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modded 900ss kernel-bootimage for cube u30gt-ms

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    modded 900ss kernel-bootimage for cube u30gt-ms

    probably not too popular anymore, but my daughter was not happy with her u30gtmini-ms so...

    I have unpacked the boot.img and tidied up the code, keeping the 3.08 kernel.
    I added the “charger” code from a kitkat boot.img and have managed to stop this tablet from randomly rebooting and not shutting down properly.
    comment out original and replace with code:
    # ************ RC: add Kitkat code
    on property:ro.boot.charger.emmc=1
    mount ext4 /dev/block/mtd/by-name/system /system wait ro noatime nodiratime
    start console
    mount ext4 /dev/block/mtd/by-name/userdata /data wait noatime nodiratime nosuid nodev noauto_da_alloc,discard
    start charger

    on property:ro.boot.charger.emmc=0
    insmod /rk30xxnand_ko.ko
    mount ext4 mtd@system /system wait ro noatime nodiratime noauto_da_alloc
    start console
    mount ext4 mtd@userdata /data wait noatime nodiratime nosuid nodev noauto_da_alloc
    start charger

    on charger
    setprop ro.boot.charger.emmc 0
    export PATH /sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH /vendor/lib:/system/lib
    setprop sys.usb.config adb

    service charger /charger

    I am still trying to reduce the brightness settings..
    code: write /sys/class/backlight/rk28_bl/brightness 10
    but it would appear to be a driver issue as I cannot write to the above directory.
    I have trawled many forums looking for answers but no joy.
    Does anyone have any answers pls?
    ps: here is my version5 boot.img if anyone would like it.
    download here:

    Good work.

    900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

    900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

    Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

    Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

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    freaktab developer

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