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Tronsmart Draco H3 Stick Refresh Rate Workaround 50hz ~> 60hz

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    Tronsmart Draco H3 Stick Refresh Rate Workaround 50hz ~> 60hz

    I recently got my new H3 stick....low and behold it did not work. Unknown to me it was stuck in a 720p50hz HDMI mode. My TV cannot do 50hz. So I had a blank screen/no input.

    On they had a 60hz test IMG. It did work. But netflix did not.

    So I unpacked the latest IMG file, and edited the sys_config....repacked it, and now it works 100%!! Netflix seems to be OK!

    3 changes needed to be made.
    - hdmi-mode = 5
    - screen0_output_mode = 5
    - screen1_output_mode = 5

    5 is the 720p60 mode

    repacked it, flashed working! It defaults to 60hz everytime after a power cycle!

    This is the sys_config
    ;auto_hpd    -   1:need hotplud for hdmi/tv;  0:don't hotplud for lcd
    ;output_type -   0:none; 1:lcd; 2:tv; 4:hdmi; 8:vga (as default config in homlet)
    ;hdmi_channel-   the display channel for hdmi (as default config in homlet)
    ;cvbs_channel-   the display channel for cvbs (as default config in homlet)
    ;hdmi_mode   -   as default config for output of hdmi in homlet
    ;cvbs_mode   -   as default config for output of tv in homlet. 11:PAL; 14:NTSC
    ;check the definition(of hdmi/cvbs_mode) of disp_tv_mode in sunxi_display2.h
    ;hdmi_mode_check - disable/enable the function of checking hdmi mode, 0 is disable, 1 is enable
    advert_disp     = 0
    auto_hpd        = 1
    output_type     = 4
    hdmi_channel    = 0
    hdmi_mode       = 5
    cvbs_channel    = 1
    cvbs_mode       = 11
    output_full     = 1
    hdmi_mode_check = 1
    ;disp init configuration
    ;disp_mode             (0:screen0<screen0,fb0>; 1:screen1<screen1,fb0>)
    ;screenx_output_type  (0:none; 1:lcd; 3:hdmi;)
    ;screenx_output_mode  (used for hdmi output, 0:480i 1:576i 2:480p 3:576p 4:720p50)
    ;                     (5:720p60 6:1080i50 7:1080i60 8:1080p24 9:1080p50 10:1080p60)
    ;fbx format           (0:ARGB 1:ABGR 2:RGBA 3:BGRA 5:RGB565 8:RGB888 12:ARGB4444 16:ARGB1555 18:RGBA5551)
    ;fbx_width,fbx_height (framebuffer horizontal/vertical pixels, fix to output resolution while equal 0)
    ;lcdx_backlight       (lcd init backlight,the range:[0,256],default:197
    disp_init_enable         = 1
    disp_mode                = 0
    screen0_output_type      = 3
    screen0_output_mode      = 5
    screen1_output_type      = 3
    screen1_output_mode      = 5
    fb0_format               = 0
    fb0_width                = 1280
    fb0_height               = 720
    fb1_format               = 0
    fb1_width                = 0
    fb1_height               = 0


    You can use DragonFace v2.2 to open and edit the IMG files for the H3 Stick!

    It will tell you its not compatible, just click OK.

    Goto Advanced Settings>>system configuration. This will open the sys_config. Edit it and save it. Then Save the new IMG.

    FYI: it takes a long time to load and save the IMG files in DragonFace.

