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X96 Mini TV Box Amlogic S905W + Android 7.1.2 + Quad-core Cortex-A53 + 4K VP9 H.265

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    Originally posted by Jsassu20 View Post

    Bro seriously be quiet. You have no clue what you're saying nor do you know me or my level of understanding when it comes to this. Mecool doesn't impose those restrictions, the reason it wont flash in the stock android recovery has nothing to do with Mecool... Its a safety measure built in to the stock android recovery which GOOGLE implemented in order to stop firmware whose build.prop file does not match with the devices current build.prop. from being flashed on the device. It does not mean in anyway that the device CAN'T run the firmware its a measure to ensure that only firmware that is 100% compatible can be flashed.

    No for the question you chose to answer for me even though you were talking out of your ass.... No the Android TV rom is not 100% compatible. The stock remote does not work, the cast feature is not functional, and since there is no bluetooth hardware in the x96 or tx3 the accessories menu is of no use... Even with a dongle the proper support modules will need to be found and compiled to make that work. But those are all something that you can live without considering the overall experience you will gain over the basic layout of the other firmware available.....

    I apologize for not Answering your question sooner RMATRIX, and I apologize on behalf of XANDU for pretending to know what he was talking about and then trying to scare you off based on his not understanding the engineering beauty behind these Amlogic boxes. Just remember, if you want to flash different firmware to see what you might find, make sure the chipset is identical to yours and you should be just fine. Of course you're always doing so at your own risk, so make sure you know enough to be comfortable with the idea of how to go about recovering from any errors you might run into along the way...
    So much for your long useless replies but have yet to explain the nature of secure encrypted ROMS which Google have implemented post Android 6 Marshmallow onwards. Stop blowing water for the sake of blowing. You're going to get amateurs reading your false claims to get overly excited and brick their boxes.

    For the Mecool ROM, the developer has specifically indicated that his ROM is " SIGNED" on his page. How did you managed to flash it unto the X96 Mini's stock rom is beyond anyone's believe. He must be laughing at trolls like you for making yourself a laughing stock on the forums.

    A properly signed ROM with the correct keys would only work on the box's manufacturer stock ROM which is encrypted. What you're saying is like claiming that you used your room's key and you managed to open up any random door you that you wish to open? Impossible!

    Same chipset and hardware does not mean anything, developers such as Xiaomi spent way more than other generic China manufacturers in paying for Widevine licensing and Netflix 4k certification passing on the costs to consumers. If what you said it true, the why buy a Xiaomi Mi Box International which cost almost twice the price of generic S905X boxes out there? Why not buy a cheap unknown branded unit with similar specs(same S905X chipset, same Wi-Fi chipset, same amount of RAM and ROM size) then flash it into a Xiaomi Mi Box with instant access to Netflix 4K contents?

    You think developers such as Xiaomi is stupid enough to spent for ROM development only to help the sales of their competitors boxes? Of course they won't allow that and therefore their Android ROM installed on their boxes are encrypted with their own unique manufacturer keys. Only a properly signed ROM that is written by their own developers will be allowed to be updated/flashed to ONLY Xiaomi's boxes.


      Originally posted by RmatriX1218 View Post case someone wants...
      Where is the guy in that forum after posting so many claims of successfully flashing ROMs from different box manufacturers/brands who suddenly went missing?
      I will like to know how he managed to flash the Tanix TX3 Dual boot ROM successfully to a X92 Mini as claimed. Tried doing the same suggestions made by him on my X92 Mini and all I got was a hard bricked BOX with a black screen after flashing. This guy won the lottery?

      Thankfully I was not an amateur in this stuffs and prepared a backup stock copy of the actual manufacturer ROM image on standby to revive my box.


        Originally posted by Jsassu20 View Post

        Use system app remover for root from play store and remove oranth launcher.
        me pasa lo mismo que a TheOnyxGuy
        lo instale en /system/app/nova launcher /nova launcher apk (hice una carpeta porque asi estan todas mis apps. de systema)
        y no puedo instalarlo como default
        lo mismo que a TheOnyxGuy si borro el mediabox launcher original y hago un reinicio que pasara ?


          Originally posted by MikeG7 View Post
          Hello guys, Im kind of new here and like most of newbies Im beginning from problem O_O I am owner of that TV Box and of course I made a mistake like many of you did.. I installed Super Su and updated the libraries which end up wit bootloop.. At that time I knew Im gonna have to flash new firmware probably but I have first entered the recovery and make a total cleanup of data. Then I have found stock ROM (I guess, the guy said its from this model). Download Burning Tool.. Plug the USB male cable, reset in AV port and everything went good until... I pushed Start and error occur at 2% saying something about USB and something. I tried few times on different ports and PC (unfortunately both are Win 10).

          Then I tried if it will go with Erase bootloader, and Erase flash unchecked and it went till 100% successful (at least I knew its not a problem with USB) but from that moment the box remains DEAD Red Light shows as soon as I plug power source. Cannot access recovery anymore, PC and burning tool do not recognise the box and there no screen on TV. It's really dead.

          The only solution last I think is short pin but that box has a new Samsung flash which looks like IC chip (no visible legs, only some small dots on sides). Anyone knows how to do that? Please


            tambien quise instalar supersu y la caja se quedo en bootloop, cuando actualize los binario de supersu tuve que reinstalar todo el firmware con el archivo y ya quedo como de fabrica


              Originally posted by Jsassu20 View Post

              No, you don't need a superuser program with this firmware. The su binary is present in /system/bin and all root requests are granted by default so there is no need to have one unless you would like to have more control over the privilege requests of certain programs.

              It took me 2 days to realize what exactly was going on because I've never come across an Android firmware which had the ability to just grant root permission by default. I was under the impression that root access could only be achieved with a combination of an su binary in a system path along with a superuser app to delegate root access. If you want to use SuperSU, the only method I managed to get to work was by just downloading SuperSU from the play store and NOT updating the SU Binary when SuperSU starts up each time. If you update the binary you will end up with a boot loop after restarting the box. If you just ignore the update request each time SuperSU starts, then it will be able to handle the privilege requests but I have found issues with some apps where they fail to detect root. If I don't use a superuser app then those apps that had issues will work fine. The only solution I've managed to come up with for having root and a normal functioning superuser app was to install Kingroot which will report they system as being rooted with issues, then click fix root and use KingUser from that point.

              In the end I just decided to reset the device and use it without a superuser app and Its been flawless the entire time. Also, I have the 1GB/8GB variant and I found that if I enable th option to disable background processes from developer options and set the process limit option to 0 then the system performs flawlessly... I took it a step further by using a 64 GB usb drive and adopting 80% of the storage to use as internal storage (done with Root Essentials app from PlayStore) and then I used the app "Swapper" to create a 2GB swap file with the remaining 20% of the USB storage and now this damn thing is performing like its a top of the line product. I highly recommend everyone to try it out if you're having performance issues.!
              yo root una caja mxIII 4k con kingroot y luego use supersu-me pro.apk para quitar kingroot y seguir usando supersu como app default y me esta funcionando bien
              se podria hacer lo mismo a la x96 mini box?

              no puedo probar porque el x96mini lo usa mi nieto y no lo deja ni un minuto y no quiere perder sus logros con clashroyale
              ojala alguien lo pruebe


              • scooter2014
                scooter2014 commented
                Editing a comment
                or root a box mxIII 4k with kingroot and then use supersu-me pro.apk to remove kingroot and keep using supersu as default app and it's working fine
                Could the same thing be done to the x96 mini box?
                I can not prove because the x96mini is used by my grandson and he does not leave it for a minute and does not want to lose his achievements with clashroyale
                I hope someone tries it.

                English please. Use Google translate if needed.

              Originally posted by xanadu89897 View Post

              Where is the guy in that forum after posting so many claims of successfully flashing ROMs from different box manufacturers/brands who suddenly went missing?
              I will like to know how he managed to flash the Tanix TX3 Dual boot ROM successfully to a X92 Mini as claimed. Tried doing the same suggestions made by him on my X92 Mini and all I got was a hard bricked BOX with a black screen after flashing. This guy won the lottery?

              Thankfully I was not an amateur in this stuffs and prepared a backup stock copy of the actual manufacturer ROM image on standby to revive my box.
              You speak about X92mini but it is a x96mini
              What version do you have 1 or 2G ?
              How do you flash your rom ?

              I have a x96mini with 2G of ram
              and i install img (flash with usb cable) on my x96mini
              i have tested a lot of rom from other brands without any problem.
              Beelink W95
              Mecool M8s pro W
              Tanix TX3 Mini
              TANIX TX3 Max & Mini - DUAL OS EDITION
              Vorke Z5


                Originally posted by manu_manu4 View Post

                You speak about X92mini but it is a x96mini
                What version do you have 1 or 2G ?
                How do you flash your rom ?

                I have a x96mini with 2G of ram
                and i install img (flash with usb cable) on my x96mini
                i have tested a lot of rom from other brands without any problem.
                Beelink W95
                Mecool M8s pro W
                Tanix TX3 Mini
                TANIX TX3 Max & Mini - DUAL OS EDITION
                Vorke Z5
                Sorry about the typo error there, should be X96 Mini not X92 Mini.

                It is impossible for you to flash a customized firmware meant for other S905W branded boxes on your X96 Mini because they're SIGNED by their respective developers..Just like I said before, if it was possible no one's going to buy the more expensive brands, just by a cheap unbranded one such as the X96 Mini(P281) and flash them with more expensive models.

                Have tried both method through the burning tool and card maker.

                Do you know how a customized ROM is made? It inherits the same boot partition/driver properties as the original stock ROM from the box manufacturer except the system apps are modified accordingly, then recompiled/repackaged.

                You said you've tested the Tanix TX3 ROMs and successfully flashed it on your X96 Mini? I don't think you're telling the truth. My unit immediately bricked as soon as the flashing process halted half way through with a RED X on the Android, thankfully the manufacturer's original stock ROM (.img) revived my unit. You're going to get a lot of furious readers out there by telling something which is very irresponsible and making them brick their boxes over false claims.

                The Card Maker tool by Amlogic is way more reliable than the Burning Tool, that's for sure.It is used to revive units which were hard bricked to the point that even your PC drivers wouldn't detect your box.


                  Originally posted by hiszwan View Post

                  The X96 Mini is rooted out of the box with the recent latest firmware. You do not need to install SuperSU or Magisk managers to update the binary files. Every Root permission that your apps make will be silently granted in the background.If you want better control of root permission being granted, just install the SuperSU manager apk but NEVER update its binaries, it will brick your unit.If you install the latest Dec 2017 firmware by th manufacturer, your binary files should be the latest shown in SuperSU manager, just use it to detect root permission granting to any apps that request for it.


                    Originally posted by angry bird View Post

                    yo root una caja mxIII 4k con kingroot y luego use supersu-me pro.apk para quitar kingroot y seguir usando supersu como app default y me esta funcionando bien
                    se podria hacer lo mismo a la x96 mini box?

                    no puedo probar porque el x96mini lo usa mi nieto y no lo deja ni un minuto y no quiere perder sus logros con clashroyale
                    ojala alguien lo pruebe
                    The box is already ROOTED on first boot, you will know it is rooted because if you install a system uninstaller app, immediately you can uninstall system apps without it asking for root permission. This means the ROM is already ROOTED by default. Try with other apps that requires root permissions, you will see that all of them can work without asking for root permission unlike your other boxes which the SuperSU or Magisk manager will pop-up a prompting window asking for permission to allow root.


                      This is the method I use for flashing most of my TV boxes. It's more reliable than using the burning tool which requires Worldcup drivers to detect your boxes or worry about bad cables being too long, plugged into extended ports and underpower faults.

                      The Amlogic Card Burning method is regarded as the most safest way to flash your device or to unbrick your box should it hard bricks with no more detection on your PC's drivers.It is very safe because the app will warn if the card was not created properly.I've unbricked more than 5 Amlogic TV boxes with 100% success rates everytime with this method. You can also use this method to flash your unit the same way that you would with the Amlogic burning tool using (.img) files with less worries.


                        I always use USB cable with a netbook (if there is an electrical problem or a power cut)
                        And i install TX3 dual os with out any problem and all is working on it (remote, ethernetr & wifi)


                          Originally posted by manu_manu4 View Post
                          I always use USB cable with a netbook (if there is an electrical problem or a power cut)
                          And i install TX3 dual os with out any problem and all is working on it (remote, ethernetr & wifi)
                          You sure? My X96 Mini bricked hard right after flashing with that Tanix Dual OS ROM.I did this twice! When the box is turned on, you'll only see red light and a blank black screen on your TV.
                          Where did you get that ROM? Mine was downloaded from the MEGA cloud account given by Tanix themselves. I do not know how your box could allow Tanix SIGNED roms on it, it's impossible for it to happen.


                            Originally posted by xanadu89897 View Post

                            You sure? My X96 Mini bricked hard right after flashing with that Tanix Dual OS ROM.I did this twice! When the box is turned on, you'll only see red light and a blank black screen on your TV.
                            Where did you get that ROM? Mine was downloaded from the MEGA cloud account given by Tanix themselves. I do not know how your box could allow Tanix SIGNED roms on it, it's impossible for it to happen.
                            I downloaded it from tanix site with the mega link send by mail


                              you speak about micro sd but i flashed it with USB_Burning_Tool

