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Tablet S7Dual Bricked. Solution?

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    Tablet S7Dual Bricked. Solution?

    Buenas tardes!
    Recurro a registrarme porque he leido bastante (o no he buscado bien) y no encuentro solucion.
    Tengo una tablet NOBLEX T7014AR, es una version Argentina de una tablet china.
    Busque el firmware/rom para la tablet mencionada pero no encontre nada, pero encontre tablets que comparten componentes similares a la Noblex T7014AR. Los firmware que instale estan diseñados para la tablet "Sero 7 LT", Otro firm que instale es el de "Energy Sistem S7Dual". Energy Sistem S7Dual, funciono casi todo perfecto, pero no me funciono el wifi.
    En mi auge de creerme que podia con todo.. dañe la Tablet.
    Intente colocarle el kernel de stock de la Sero 7 LT y la tablet practicamente dejo de funcionar.
    En el RKAndroidTool 1.35 la tablet es reconocida como "RKAndroid Loader Rock Usb". Al querer realizar el "EraseIDB" Ocurre un error.

    Adjunto el LOG:
    965 Load Setting ok
    012 RKAndroidTool v1.3.5.0 Start Run
    012 Scan thread:1664
    012 Info: (thread=3068)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl In
    027 Info: (thread=3068)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl Out,ret=1,err=183
    027 Info: (thread=2064)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl In
    027 Info: (thread=2064)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl Out,ret=1,err=183
    027 ProcessID:1628,ThreadID:1128,RefCount:0
    027 Info: (thread=956)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl In
    027 ProcessID:1628,ThreadID:1664,RefCount:0
    027 Info: (thread=956)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl Out,ret=1,err=183
    950 INFO:Start to erase IDB
    966 INFO:Start to lower format
    966 ERROR:Lower format failed
    Al querer usar la función de Restore o Upgrade del Rockchip Batch Tool también avisa de un error:
    045 Rockchip Batch Tool v1.5.3.0 start run
    832 **********Restore Start Total<1>**********
    832 <Layer 3-2> Test Device Start
    832 <LAYER 3-2> ERROR:TestDevice-->RKU_TestDeviceReady failed,Total is zero
    848 <Layer 3-2> Test Device Fail
    848 **********Restore Done Success<0> Fail<1> Time<15>ms**********
    Lei algo de puentear los pines 8 y 9 del chip de la nand, pero creo que los pines a puentear depende del modelo de chip. Si me pueden decir donde ver mi modelo se los agradecería.

    Esa seria mi historia.
    Tiene solución?

    Google Translate:

    Good afternoon!
    I turn to check in because I have quite read (or have not looked good) and I find no solution.
    I have a tablet Noblex T7014AR, is a Argentine version of a Chinese tablet.
    I search the firmware/rom for tablet mentioned but found nothing, but I found tablets that share similar components to the Noblex T7014AR. The firmware I install are designed for tablet "Sero 7 LT" Another firm to install is "Energy Sistem S7Dual". Energy Sistem S7Dual, run almost everything perfect, but I did not work on wifi.
    In my boom.. "I can with everything".. I damage the Tablet.
    I putting the stock kernel of Sero 7 LT and tablet practically stopped working.
    In RKAndroidTool 1.35 the tablet is recognized as "RKAndroid Usb Loader Rock". I wanting to make the "EraseIDB" An error occurs.

    965 Load Setting ok
    012 RKAndroidTool v1.3.5.0 Start Run
    012 Scan thread:1664
    012 Info: (thread=3068)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl In
    027 Info: (thread=3068)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl Out,ret=1,err=183
    027 Info: (thread=2064)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl In
    027 Info: (thread=2064)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl Out,ret=1,err=183
    027 ProcessID:1628,ThreadID:1128,RefCount:0
    027 Info: (thread=956)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl In
    027 ProcessID:1628,ThreadID:1664,RefCount:0
    027 Info: (thread=956)IoControlProc-->DeviceIoControl Out,ret=1,err=183
    950 INFO:Start to erase IDB
    966 INFO:Start to lower format
    966 ERROR:Lower format failed
    I wanting to use the function Restore / Upgrade of Rockchip Batch Tool also reports an error:

    045 Rockchip Batch Tool v1.5.3.0 start run
    832 **********Restore Start Total<1>**********
    832 <Layer 3-2> Test Device Start
    832 <LAYER 3-2> ERROR:TestDevice-->RKU_TestDeviceReady failed,Total is zero
    848 <Layer 3-2> Test Device Fail
    848 **********Restore Done Success<0> Fail<1> Time<15>ms**********
    I read some jumper pins 8 and 9 of the nand chip, but I think the pin to jumper depends on the type of chip. If you can tell me where to see my model would appreciate it.

    That would be my story.
    Is there a solution?
    Thank You!


    Buenas noches!

    Luego de no recibir ayuda por este medio decidi aventurarme a puentear los pines mencionados en algunos posts.
    En mi caso, los pines a unir fueron el 7 y 8.
    La Tablet fue detectada como "Maskrom" en el RKBatchTool.
    Seleccione el archivo update.img de Energy Sistem S7Dual y le di a Restore.
    Luego de un proceso de mucha tensión la Tablet regreso a la vida.
    Adjunto el log:

    Loading firmware...
    Loading firmware Finished.
    Loading firmware...
    Loading firmware Finished.
    **********Restore Action**********
    **********Restore Start Total<1>**********
    <Layer 3-2> Download Boot Start
    <Layer 3-2> Download Boot Success
    <Layer 3-2> Wait For Maskrom Start
    <Layer 3-2> Wait For Maskrom Success
    <Layer 3-2> Test Device Start
    <Layer 3-2> Test Device Success
    <Layer 3-2> Check Chip Start
    <Layer 3-2> Check Chip Success
    <Layer 3-2> Get FlashInfo Start
    <Layer 3-2> Get FlashInfo Success
    <Layer 3-2> Prepare IDB Start
    <Layer 3-2> Prepare IDB Success
    <Layer 3-2> Download IDB Start
    <Layer 3-2> Download IDB Success
    <Layer 3-2> Reset Device Start
    <Layer 3-2> Reset Device Success
    <Layer 3-2> Wait For Loader Start
    <Layer 3-2> Wait For Loader Success
    <Layer 3-2> Test Device Start
    <Layer 3-2> Test Device Success
    <Layer 3-2> Lowerformat Device Start
    <Layer 3-2> Lowerformat Device Success
    <Layer 3-2> Test Device Start
    <Layer 3-2> Test Device Success
    <Layer 3-2> Check Chip Start
    <Layer 3-2> Check Chip Success
    <Layer 3-2> Get FlashInfo Start
    <Layer 3-2> Get FlashInfo Success
    <Layer 3-2> Prepare IDB Start
    <Layer 3-2> Prepare IDB Success
    <Layer 3-2> Download IDB Start
    <Layer 3-2> Download IDB Success
    <Layer 3-2> Reset Device Start
    <Layer 3-2> Reset Device Success
    <Layer 3-2> Wait For Loader Start
    <Layer 3-2> Wait For Loader Success
    <Layer 3-2> Test Device Start
    <Layer 3-2> Test Device Success
    <Layer 3-2> Download Firmware Start
    <Layer 3-2> Download Firmware Success
    <Layer 3-2> Reset Device Start
    <Layer 3-2> Reset Device Success
    **********Restore Done Success<1> Fail<0> Time<122850>ms**********
    No me molesto en traducir esto.
    El idioma ingles es predominante en todo el mundo, pero veo que ni son capaces de usar un traductor para entender lo que digo.

