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exfat and paragon ntfs support for rk3288 devices with kitkat

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    exfat and paragon ntfs support for rk3288 devices with kitkat

    These binaries are tested on CS918 PLUS with rk3288 SOC. modified source of vold is also included.
    1. rk3288 devices
    2. Android 4.4 (kitkat) rom based on official Rockchip SDK(kernel version 3.10.x)
    3. Linux system

    1. Connect your device to pc, boot your device into MaskRom Mode(CS918 PLUS as an example, hold reset and power button for about 5 seconds)
    2. Open terminal in the folder that you extract the archive. Backup some partitions in case you brick your device:
      ./rkflashtool r boot >boot_bak.img
      ./rkflashtool r kernel >kernel_bak.img
      ./rkflashtool r resource >resource_bak.img
    3. Dump boot partition from device
      ./rkflashtool r boot >boot.img
    4. Check the header of boot.img
      od -c boot.img | head
      There are two circumstances:

      if the header of boot.img is “KRNL”, then boot.img is a signed ramdisk file. Unsign the file to get the ramdisk.
      ./rkunsign boot.img initramfs.cpio.gz

      Or if the header of boot.img is “ANDROID!”, then boot.img is a signed android bootimg file. Extract ramdisk from boot.img.
      ./unmkbootimg boot.img
      You will get three files: initramfs.cpio.gz(ramdisk), zImage(kernel), second.gz(resource).

      For more info about rockchip boot sequence, visit here.
    5. Now extract the ramdisk for modification:
      gzip -d -c initramfs.cpio.gz >initramfs.cpio
      mkdir ramdisk
      cd ramdisk
      ../cpio -idv <../initramfs.cpio
    6. Go to extracted ramdisk, open init.rk30board.rc with a text editor. Add two lines in post-fs section to load kernel modules at startup.

      on post-fs
      insmod /system/lib/modules/ump.ko
      insmod /drmboot.ko
      insmod /system/lib/modules/mali.ko
      insmod /system/lib/modules/mali_kbase.ko
      insmod /system/lib/modules/rk30_mirroring.ko
      insmod /system/lib/modules/rk29-ipp.ko
      ## Add two lines here
      insmod /system/lib/modules/ufsd.ko
      insmod /system/lib/modules/exfat.ko

      You may also want to add init.d support to ramdisk. Add these lines to the end of init.rc
      service runparts /system/bin/logwrapper /system/xbin/busybox run-parts /system/etc/init.d
      class main
    7. Now pack the ramdisk back. Go to the extracted ramdisk and run:
      rm ../initramfs.cpio
      find . | ../cpio -H newc -o > ../initramfs.cpio
      cd ..
      gzip -fn initramfs.cpio
    8. Sign the ramdisk.
      ./rkcrc -k initramfs.cpio.gz boot_new.img
    9. Flash the ramdisk into boot partition.
      ./rkflashtool w boot <boot_new.img
      If your original boot.img is a android bootimg file, you will also need to flash kernel and resource.
      ./rkflashtool w kernel <zImage
      ./rkflashtool w resource <second.gz
    10. Copy ufsd.ko, exfat.ko and vold into your flash drive/sdcard. Now do the rest jobs on the device side.
      Connect your device to the display (if it is a tv stick) and boot into android.
      Attach your flash drive/sdcard, open a file manager that supports root operations(like root explorer, ES explorer etc.).
      copy ufsd.ko and exfat.ko into /system/lib/modules, set permissions to 0644.
      backup /system/bin/vold to /system/bin/vold_bak, copy modified vold to /system/bin and set its permissions to 0755.
    11. Done! Reboot now, your device should have kernel space ntfs/exfat support and automatically mount ntfs/exfat partition when attached.
