I'm just starting to get into RC helicopters (just the "toy" level really at this point). I have a bunch of little indoor 3 channel micro helicopters - some with gyro chips, some without. I must say, the little Gyropter unit that I have is really easy to fly and really fun....
I also had the wife buy me a large outdoor heli for x-mas, which I STILL havent flown (waiting for a nice, perfectly calm day).... It' has a little phot/video unit attached to it so that I can take pictures and/or record video remotely (onto an SD card). It's called an "EAGLE EYE', made by iWave. It was bought at TJ Maxx, and I have not been able to find ANY info onit on the internet ANYWHERE - almost like it never existed! If anyone knows anyting about it - let me know!