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New - Minix U1 Stock 003 ROM in flashable ZIP format!

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    New - Minix U1 Stock 003 ROM in flashable ZIP format!

    Hi folks!

    Well spent the day learning the new lollipop ZIP format for flashing stock ROMs.
    Let me tell you!
    This is all new..... But I got it done.

    So this is the Minix U1 003 Stock ROM in flashable ZIP format!

    Don't want to mess with the flash tool and drivers? Well this is the EASY ZIP method as done on Lillipop with a sparse ext4 system image

    Since this is a stock ROM flash, it DOES erase all your data. Just like flashing with the Burn Tool would!
    Go it?

    Side note:
    I have removed any and all checks for what is on your S905 box so this will flash with no errors possibly to any other S905 box.
    You have been warned!


    1) Download this package (link below) and unzip it.
    2) Copy the 3 files to a fresh formatted SDcard
    3) Plug the SDcard into your Minix U1
    4) Make sure you do not have a USB cord connected to your PC from the Minix U1 or it will go into burn tool flash mode!
    3) Press and hold the power button on the U1. Keep holding it until you see the Android man do it's update.
    Note: if you pop up to the recovery menu, then it did NOT read your SDcard. Try again and make sure your SDcard is formatted FAT32 and is no corrupt!
    4) Wait while the update flashes.
    5) The box will reboot and enjoy the new 003 ROM with a clean setup!

    Here is the download link:

    Enjoy folks and as always feel free to donate please.

    Last edited by Finless; 19 December 2015, 17:08.
    "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
    "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
    "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
    "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
    "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
    "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
    "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
    "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
    "Forgive them as they know not what they do"
