I bought this Uranus VBOX in China 2 years ago. The box was pre-installed with some TV apps, but the subscriptions were all expired, so I was looking for different ROMs to play a bit. I knew the CPU was S905X and the board was some p212 variant with 1G+8G memory, so I tried to flash several ROMs for S905X and p212, unfortunately none of them was able to get the WiFi to work. I finally decided to open up the box and found that the WiFi module was AP6181. I looked it up and found it seemed a rare combination. I found that VIM also had the AP6181 module so I tried its ROM but bricked the box. I managed to short pin the board to get it back to work again.
Right now I know only OpenELEC can get the WiFi of this box to work, but I would like to use other really cool ROMs. Does anyone know if there's any other ROM that might work with this box? Or, is there anyway I can add the AP6181 WiFi capability to other current ROMs? Thanks.