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MXQ PRO+ 7.1.2 S905x 2/16GB - boot issue

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    MXQ PRO+ 7.1.2 S905x 2/16GB - boot issue

    I can successfully load firmware for the device using Amlogic USB burning tool every time I try. However, when boot up the device, the led goes from red to blue (good) and the MXQ PRO+ boot logo appears for a few seconds, but then I get "no signal" and TV screen blacks out. I have left it for a few minutes but still no response.

    The firmwares I have tried are:-
    s905x013.MXQ_PRO+_2G(16)_HS2734A_100M_7.1.2018.01. 26.16.40.img
    s905x013.MXQ_PRO+_unrooted_2G(16)_HS2734A_100M_7.1 .2018.

    These are all from Geekbuying site. My box does have the HS2734A wifi chip (I can clearly see it) and is a 2/16GB model.

    The board says "MXQ_S905X_D4 V1.2" and directly below that in smaller letters it says "201701125"

    Does anybody have a way forward? It appears as though everything is working but the box won't boot up. PC sees it, AML burning tool sees it, and I can write firmware to it 100% with burning successful message every time. When I switch it on, the led turns from red to blue as it should. The reset button does nothing (AV port - it clicks but there is no response during boot).

    I've also tried shorting the NAND pins - even though my PC already detected the box - and that did work in that led quickly changed from blue to red and back to blue again and the PC still sees the box. I was trying everything I could find on the web.

    Thanks for any help.

    UPDATE: The box works on a small 22 inch 1080p TV but not on the new 4k TV (it used to work on this TV). Same HDMI cable, same PSU taken to the 1080p TV and everything boots up normal. Take the same cable, psu back to 4k TV and it gets to boot logo and then "no signal". Other android boxes work fine on this TV???!!!!


    UPDATE2: I'm writing this down in case some other poor unfortunate soul experiences the same as myself. Found out that cause is Android setting the display resolution to "Auto". For some reason this box and my 4k TV don't like each other when that is set. However the 22 inch TV is ok. So, on the 22 inch TV I set to the resolution to 1080p50hz explicity. Then I can use the box with my 4k TV.

    However, I still can't get LibreELEC to boot. The only reason I have the box is for LibreELEC. The reset button in the av port does nothing. I have downloaded the "Reboot to LibreELEC" apk but this requires root access and I can't find a way to root this box running ATVxperience rom (only one that I could change display resolution from auto). Tried installing and running SuperSU but that fails updating the SU binary. I also tried adding a dummy "" to root of LE SD card (this is a documented workaround in LE forums) and doing an online update from Android to point to that "" on SD card and the box just hangs during reboot.

    I've exhausted everything I can find on the net. Just seems like the HDMI hardware/driver on this box is different to my other MXQ PRO+ box that works perfectly. The box that works has "MXQ_S905X_D4 V1.1" on the board instead of V1.2.

    I think I'll see if I can get root access.............
    Last edited by ukmark62; 03 July 2019, 16:19.