Recently I've been testing the Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 image with 4.9 original kernel and blobs from Amlogic, downloaded from Khadas VIM1 on my Mini M8S II TV Box with S905X. Here are the images I've test:
Image to burn on SD/USB:
Image to flash with Amlogic USB Tool (don't flash, it bricks the device):
Original source for images (only use the "Linux 4.9 images"), they are the native/legacy with the Amlogic Kernel and blobs:
The current fact is that the image for SD/USB (the first one I post), is booting and working perfectly on my Mini M8S II. The performance I think is the best you can achieve on these device, like Raspbian on a Raspberry, because it has the native kernel and vendor blobs, so it works the 2D/3D acceleration for Mali and the CPU is more efficient. It looks like an optimiced operating system. Youtube videos plays smooth in 1080 on Firefox/Chrome.
The USB Tool image flashes OK, but it doesn't boot (I think because Uboot and bootloader is not the correct one), so the device gets bricked.
I also tested inside the SD/USB image booted a command tool called "emmc-install". Also does not work and bricks the device.
I want to share this fact in order to more people test in on their devices. My linux knowledge is very limited, but I think if someone knows a way to change the bootloader, uboot and dtb from this images we can have a linux port using the native/legacy kernel from Amlogic. With an optimized performance and take advantage of all these boxes hardware.
If it can help, they also have an image builder on Github: