1- when i connect it via usb with laptop to flash the firmware by USB_Burning_Tool
it stops @7 %, I tried all possible installations steps. between normal erace and forcing etc , it give me same resultand stop @7%
Name of firmwares that i used in all my tries \
,, HM8-MHC19J-20170401.115942.V0923 ..
KM5-MHC19J-20161125.092239.V0923 ....
All failed.
2- I tried to install it by using the SD card using the burning tool Amlogic_SDcardMaker_BootcardMaker_burnBootCard_v1. 0.1 and install below files on SD card
it was a glory to see the green lamp again , android screen installation which freez after awhile, device entered in recovery mode appear for me alist but failed every thing, just i have recovery screen as appear in the shots,
so i'm still at same status since this time, don't know what to do anymore or what to do further.
how to recover my device, its looking im so near but im really so far. if i removed the sd card. it's red lamp. when i put sd card, i see only recovery mode options
which refuses to install the Zip file.
thanks for help or any previouse experience