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iFive X2 RileyROM 1.5 KitKat

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    iFive X2 RileyROM 1.5 KitKat

    Finally, a working KitKat ROM for the iFive X2!!!!!!!

    This ROM is based on official firmware provided by iFive from their site dated 1/9/2014. (link)

    I don't own an iFive tablet, so I haven't tested it. There were some unknown apps I really didn't know whether to remove, or this one is light on the debloat.

    You run the risk of bricking your tablet if you don't understand these important facts!!!!!! If you end up bricking because you weren't paying attention to this post, you can check the Pipo forums for possible solutions. It is very well do your homework before you post for help.

    1. You MUST flash the RK3188Loader(L)_V2.10.bin the first time you flash this ROM. KitKat requires this new loader to run. If you choose to go back to MUST flash the loader for that ROM. The loaders aren't interchangeable.

    2. NONE of the files in a KitKat ROM are backward compatible with Jellybean you can't use an OC kernel from my Jellybean ROM with this ROM, or you will not boot.

    This ROM is:

    Not much to debloat
    Init.d support
    Busybox support
    English Language
    Google Play Store fixes
    VPN support
    2, 4, 6, 8, 12gb user app space choices (default 4gb)
    Multi-user support turned on
    Increased wifi power
    Latest Reboot app by Petrus
    Boot Animation by Tattman65
    Updated First Time User's Guide
    RkBatchTool included as an alternate way to "switch" to flash mode
    New RK Driver Installer app

    This ROM also includes an Auto Install from External SD feature. See this thread for details on how it works: Auto Install from SD



    If this ROM makes a difference for you, please consider a donation to support future RileyROM's here at
    Donate!!! Your donations keep me updated with the latest tablets to test on.
    Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
    Read my BIO Here
    Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
    Donate here

    Multi-user disfunctional

    Originally posted by rrileypm View Post

    Multi-user support turned on
    First and foremost, your X2 efforts are much appreciated, Randy !

    Concerning multi-user support : this does not seem to work (contrary to e.g. 4.2.2 v1.5).

    This is the output (from adb shell & logcat) :

    [B]root@rk3188:/ # pm get-max-users[/B]
        D/AndroidRuntime( 2053): 
        D/AndroidRuntime( 2053): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
        D/AndroidRuntime( 2053): CheckJNI is OFF
        I/AndroidRuntime( 2053): JNI options: '-Xjniopts:warnonly'
        D/dalvikvm( 2053): Trying to load lib 0x0
        D/dalvikvm( 2053): Added shared lib 0x0
        D/dalvikvm( 2053): Trying to load lib 0x0
        D/dalvikvm( 2053): Added shared lib 0x0
        D/dalvikvm( 2053): No JNI_OnLoad found in 0x0, skipping init
        D/dalvikvm( 2053): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods
        E/memtrack( 2053): Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
        E/android.os.Debug( 2053): failed to load memtrack module: -2
        D/AndroidRuntime( 2053): Calling main entry
    [I][B]    D/UserManager( 2053): ---getMaxSupportedUsers,we has UMS,force disabled M-user---[/B][/I]
        D/AndroidRuntime( 2053): Shutting down VM
        D/dalvikvm( 2053): GC_CONCURRENT freed 94K, 15% free 560K/656K, paused 0ms+1ms, total 5ms
    [B]Maximum supported users: 1
    [B]root@rk3188:/ #  getprop fw.max_users      [/B]
    [B]root@rk3188:/ # setprop fw.max_users 5   
    [B]root@rk3188:/ # pm get-max-users   [/B]
        D/AndroidRuntime( 2069): 
        D/AndroidRuntime( 2069): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START <<<<<<
        D/AndroidRuntime( 2069): CheckJNI is OFF
        I/AndroidRuntime( 2069): JNI options: '-Xjniopts:warnonly'
        D/dalvikvm( 2069): Trying to load lib 0x0
        D/dalvikvm( 2069): Added shared lib 0x0
        D/dalvikvm( 2069): Trying to load lib 0x0
        D/dalvikvm( 2069): Added shared lib 0x0
        D/dalvikvm( 2069): No JNI_OnLoad found in 0x0, skipping init
        D/dalvikvm( 2069): Note: class Landroid/app/ActivityManagerNative; has 179 unimplemented (abstract) methods
        E/memtrack( 2069): Couldn't load memtrack module (No such file or directory)
        E/android.os.Debug( 2069): failed to load memtrack module: -2
        D/AndroidRuntime( 2069): Calling main entry
    [I][B]    D/UserManager( 2069): ---getMaxSupportedUsers,we has UMS,force disabled M-user---[/B][/I]
        D/AndroidRuntime( 2069): Shutting down VM
        D/dalvikvm( 2069): GC_CONCURRENT freed 94K, 15% free 560K/656K, paused 1ms+1ms, total 5ms
    [B]Maximum supported users: 1[/B]
    [B]root@rk3188:/ # getprop fw.max_users                                           [/B]
    As you may notice, get-max-users keeps returning 1, independent of fw.max_users .

    Not being a Java developer, I guess the UserManager message may be related to : (starting at line 560)
    [LIST][*]    public static int getMaxSupportedUsers() { [*]        // Don't allow multiple users on certain builds [*]        if (android.os.Build.ID.startsWith("JVP")) return 1; [*]        return SystemProperties.getInt("fw.max_users", [*]                Resources.getSystem().getInteger(R.integer.config_multiuserMaximumUsers)); [*]    } [/LIST]
    On the other hand, I found no further references to 'UMS' but for the /system/build.prop entry "ro.factory.hasUMS=true" (which is also present in older X2 firmwares, where multi-user is functional).

    Setting its value to 'false' effectively enables multi-user.

    I cannot assess how entrenched "ro.factory.hasUMS" is : as far as I can tell, it could have something to do with "USB Mass Storage" (e.g., but franky, I don't have much of a clue.

    Unfortunately, the "hasUMS=false" renders the tablet quite useless ( FC, no virtual keyboard, reboots when accessing Setup>Apps, ...).


      That's some pretty good research...I haven't yet been able to get multi-user to work on any of the KitKat ROM's...that part has changed.

      Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
      Read my BIO Here
      Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
      Donate here


        Originally posted by rrileypm View Post
        That's some pretty good research...I haven't yet been able to get multi-user to work on any of the KitKat ROM's...that part has changed.
        I guess you're talking about all KitKat ROM's, not only iFive's ?

        What strikes me as odd, is the wording of the UserManager message : "we has UMS,force disabled M-user", which sounds somewhat Chinglish (or Englese, if you prefer).
        Could this be a custom iFive modification ? I found no references to cross-brand KitKat multi-user failure.


          Originally posted by dimoe View Post
          I guess you're talking about all KitKat ROM's, not only iFive's ?

          What strikes me as odd, is the wording of the UserManager message : "we has UMS,force disabled M-user", which sounds somewhat Chinglish (or Englese, if you prefer).
          Could this be a custom iFive modification ? I found no references to cross-brand KitKat multi-user failure.
          I cross-posted at, which led to :

          The questions I formulated there, are still open.


            Sounds like a developer was freelancing a little, huh?
            Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
            Read my BIO Here
            Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
            Donate here


              What about flash player on 4.4.2? I have installed flash player & dolphin browser (with enabled the flash on web settings) but still said "incompatible flash player".
              robot vacuum cleaner


                Originally posted by rrileypm View Post
                Sounds like a developer was freelancing a little, huh?
                I'm tempted to patch bin/vold ...

                Contemplating about cooking my own firmware release, do you mind me asking you a few questions ? (feel free to respond in detail or not)

                1. Any specific reason why you install SuperSU (Chainfire) instead of the open-sourced Superuser (CWM koush, ?

                2. Even after changing build.prop '' to "dd-MM-yyyy", time is still shown as "MM-dd-yyyy" (the 'persist.sys.timezone' modification is honoured, though).

                3. I am using rkflashtool ( to read/write the MTD partitions. Strangely enough, reading a partition (especially system.img) in fastboot mode immediately after writing it,results in a different image (as checked with md5sum), and I seem to experience corrupt ext3/ext4 filesystems too.
                Does this sound familiar ?

                4. Some applications (e.g., jackpal.androidterm.apk) FC when installed in /system/app instead of /data/app. Is there a straightforward way to move these .apk's from /system/app to /data/app on first boot ?



                  No problem at all.

                  If you plan on making your own ROM, here are a few threads that should interest you:

                  This is a very long thread, but has some useful information as a resource. While the subject matter isn't really organized, you can find tidbits here and's kind of a history lesson in the progression of Freaktab:

                  Here is a very detailed tutorial of how to make a Rockchip ROM. It was based on a guide that 900SuperSport used to teach me how to cook ROM's, a while back:

                  Here is a very useful kitchen app you can use, once you've learned the ropes. I suggest doing things manually to start, so you have a full understanding of how things work, and what the kitchen actually does. There are still some things you will need to fix on your own. The kitchen is a total time saver, and you can edit the scripts to do things YOUR way, if you want.

                  Now, to answer your questions:

                  I do not own an iFive tablet, but most Rockchip tablets are similar enough to cook ROMs for, especially since there are no other developers here taking on tablet ROM's for devices they don't actually have. I thought about buying an iFive to test with, but my efforts/funds have been devoted to Pipo products. That being said, I haven't tested the ROM on my own I don't know what works and what doesn't. For that reason, I try to stick as much to stock as possible, so I don't break anything. A Freaktab developer devoted to iFive tablets would be a great addition, someday.

                  1. SuperSU - I tried the open source version for a month or two, but found some problems with loosing root on my Pipo tablets. I found that SuperSU fixed the problem I was having, so I switched back to it. It's the same superuser app that Finless uses in his ROM's. My friend 900SuperSport uses the open source version without any problems, though, in his Cube ROM's. That's the version he has in his kitchen. It's just my personal preference. I tend to use the most reliable solution.

                  2. This is a function that I know works on Pipo tablets...I wasn't aware of any problems with iFive until you just reported it. Again, I don't have an iFive tablet to test, so I just wasn't aware of it...nor do I really know how to fix it without doing some digging. As you can see in a few posts above, the iFive developers tend to the firmware isn't exactly the same as Pipo stuff. Also, keep in mind that current KitKat firmware is still in beta for most Chinese tablet brands. You have to expect some things to be a little rough around the edges. Again, that's why I haven't devoted a whole lot of time trying to fix stuff, because I know there will be a full blown firmware release that will fix most of this stuff.

                  3. I'm not sure I understand "Does this sound familiar?". I never use fastboot, so I haven't encountered that problem. I tend to leave things alone that I don't particularly use. I've read that fastboot is more of a deep sleep feature, and doesn't really turn the tablet off. I don't use deep sleep either. I tend to power the tablet all the way down when I'm's just a habit I started with with my early Froyo tablets and just stuck with the habit. I don't mind waiting the short time it takes to boot. Plus, since I have sooooooo many tablets to choose from, I tend to switch off and use different ones off and I try to keep them charged and ready to go at a moment's notice. I haven't read that other forum, about that issue. I just take the stock firmware and use it as a base with rooting as a priority, debloating if necessary, and adding cool features that I've tested on other devices. Digging deep into the system on a tablet I can't test...I normally don't do. (I have my own way of boosting wifi signal, that I am comfortable doing, though...but I'm sworn to secrecy on that technique).

                  4. I have done some playing around with moving certain apps into the "pre-install" folder so they can be installed in user/data on first boot. I've found that some of the Google apps work better as system apps, so I leave them alone. I haven't encountered the same errors on the Pipo tablets. Since KitKat is still very new, we are all still discovering it's deep dark secrets. In my ROM's, apps located in the pre-install folder will be automatically installed to user/data after the first boot (just make sure there are no spaces in the file name). You can also auto install similar apps from your external sd card by placing them in an "autoinstall" folder on your sd. The auto install starts after all of the apps in the system.img pre-install folder are installed...then CWM Recovery is installed last. That feature is also included in the kitchen app I mentioned above.

                  I hope this helps.

                  When you get your ROM ready, feel free to share it here.

                  Holler if you need some help.
                  Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                  Read my BIO Here
                  Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                  Donate here


                    Originally posted by rrileypm View Post
                    No problem at all.

                    If you plan on making your own ROM, here are a few threads that should interest you:

                    Now, to answer your questions:

                    Thanks for your very extensive answer.
                    Currently, I'm indeed doing everything manually, to get the "feel" for it.

                    - Concerning pre-install :

                    looking at init.rc in the very latest iFive X2 firmware (ifiveX2_FW_442_V2.0.1_201401221700.img), it appears they (Rockchip ? iFive ?) are starting with their own preinstall implementation :

                    service preinst_clr /system/bin/
                    Unfortunately, I did not yet find the actual preinstall application.

                    - Concerning multi-user with 4.4.2 :

                    It seems the only viable solution is to patch framework.jar ; I've written down the procedure in

                    As my analysis is based on Rockchip's source code (and not iFive's), I guess the procedure is applicable to all RK3188 4.4.2 firmwares. Feel free to use this information as you see fit.


                      Interesting...that thread doesn't exist. I'll try later.

                      Sent from my M7Pro
                      Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                      Read my BIO Here
                      Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                      Donate here


                        Originally posted by rrileypm View Post
                        Interesting...that thread doesn't exist. I'll try later.
                        Updated link :


                          I read that...interesting. That's pretty involved ...but I'll look into it.

                          Sent from my M7Pro
                          Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                          Read my BIO Here
                          Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                          Donate here


                            iFive X2 rom to work in Cube U39GT


                            Has anyone looked if iFive X2 release could be ported to work at Cube U39GT

                            I know it has been done with JB release but cube doesn't have released Kitkat for U39GT and guy who made initial Hybrid rom hasn't done any updates since initial roms.


                              This is enough to keep me busy on weekend.. Thanks OP.

