I have already post this message in ROM thread but perhaps it will interest other people so I post it again under General PIPO forum.
Admin: please feel free to delete one of the message if you judge necessary.
I have installed Pipo M9 Pro RileyROM 2.5.2 KitKat yesterday in the hope to solve Bluetooth AD2P problem from Android 4.2.2 that conduct to have micro cut sound when looking a video or listen music.
This goal is reach and all the rom works flawlessly, goo and smooth.
Meanwhile, now, I have sound from some games (Real racing, Galaxie On Fire 2 so far) totally distorded, it is like pad have not enough processor power to run the game.
The game is fluid and I can play with it perfectly except sound is crackling and distordef. In Galaxie on fire, for example, the voice islike you listen on a disk than turn slowly than it does.
This 2 games are free, so is someone can try and report please?
And is anyone have an idea of what to do?
I try several other games that works fine including NOVA 3 Modern Combat 4, ARMA II, Clear and Breach, Flash Out 3D Riptide 2 and so on...
Just to precise, I have my phone under KitKat too and no problem with these games. It seems something really related to something in ROM.
I have googled problem and found nothing very relevant, other people have such problem on different plateform but no solution, one have solved by upgradin its rom (he use Cyanogen on some phone).