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M8pro, RileyROM 2.1.2 - wifi state?

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    M8pro, RileyROM 2.1.2 - wifi state?

    hello to all,

    i have one question. tablet is m8pro, riley's rom 2.1.2, works well, but in advanced settings of wifi, there is one confusing thing.

    title of menu is clear - do i want to keep wifi on during sleep?

    so, if i select always, as is on picture, wifi sometimes turns off. not that icon go gray, it become just "outlined".

    second - only if it is oncharger, ok, no problem there.

    but, third one is confusing. i tryed on several languages to check, at least those i understand, and there is something unlogic. or i can't see logic.

    if i select never, i mean that in moment of tablet goes sleep, it will turn off wifi. but, why is there that add - INCREASES DATA USAGE?!?! if wifi is OFF, how it can make more data trafic? that should be stated on first choice-always.

    can somebody explain to me what i'm missing?


    Increase data usage on 3G if you have M8Pro 3G version (SIM inserted and modem power enabled).


      nope. i have plain wifi 8pro.

      but do you suppouse that or that is annotation for 3g model?

      if that is, than is ok. but why is not written like that...



        Deleted because I should read....

        Moderator, please delete my post?
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          Re: M8pro, RileyROM 2.1.2 - wifi state?

          Originally posted by vikidroid View Post
          hello to all,

          i have one question. tablet is m8pro, riley's rom 2.1.2, works well, but in advanced settings of wifi, there is one confusing thing.

          title of menu is clear - do i want to keep wifi on during sleep?

          so, if i select always, as is on picture, wifi sometimes turns off. not that icon go gray, it become just "outlined".

          second - only if it is oncharger, ok, no problem there.

          but, third one is confusing. i tryed on several languages to check, at least those i understand, and there is something unlogic. or i can't see logic.

          if i select never, i mean that in moment of tablet goes sleep, it will turn off wifi. but, why is there that add - INCREASES DATA USAGE?!?! if wifi is OFF, how it can make more data trafic? that should be stated on first choice-always.

          can somebody explain to me what i'm missing?

          Increased data use when setting "never" is only because it has to reestablish the connection when the tablet wakes up but the difference is negligible. This is best setting for saving battery.

          Sent from my m6pro running Riley ROM 1.7 KitKat


            ok, saving energy and turn off wifi. i use that on my phone and it works ok. but, still, how re-establishing connection can consume more data trafic than while it is always on, and it connects every few minutes?

            until now, Eidus gave the most acceptable answer - it consume 3G traffic. but, again, why that is not written, or, data traffic is some common term for 3G connection.

