Basically I upgrade my picuntu 4.5 to lubuntu 13.10 saucy I did make a tutorial how I did it,i think you should try it the stability is amazing and the speed increase is phenominal it makes better an already amazing picuntu 4.5, it's an awesome operating system 13.10 saucy.and i have rebuilt the box with the same setup from the tutorial i made in my thread, and i can confirm that it is working 100% as an install guide to upgrade to saucy linux.
The problem has been that even with great help from no_spam_for_me,I both my self and no_spam_for_me cannot get my box to both backup and restore my currnt installation, but it seems through his guidance which has been astounding ,we only seem to be able to backup the install,I have had drawn up a help request thread,and had been guided by no_spam_for_me who had absolutely tried like mad to get me through the process,but now we both agree that there may be a factor that is preventing the restore .
Even with a completed backup (or so it would appear it is backing it up?) well we both are not 100% sure if it bores down to the error message at 1st boot after restore or not?
I'd simply like a laymans guide if that were remotely possible to do both a backup/restore.
I am writing via saucy on the box at present.
If you'd be so kind as to take a look on the k-r42 section in the link I would be very greatfull for that,as I am repeatedly killing my installation time and time again with altering and installing incompatible programs and updates. that's the link where we tried everything to back it up and restore it.
Life would be so much easier for everyone if a tool might be used to do the job or a laymans guide on how to do it,i would place the tool or guide in the tutorial with credits to you if it were possible to help out.
Again thanks to all involved in all tools and tutorials i have used to complete the process of getting from lewy20041 HFW 1080p firmware to picuntu 4.5 then up to saucy linux there after,without you guys i could not have devised a method to do it.The guide to install lubuntu saucy salamander 13.10 on the k-r42 is here
Thanks in advance for any help provided.
Something i have picked up on is that during any form of backup it drops wifi,and this rkwifi error came up at boot after the restore of the nand?
I tried unison file sync it's running now,and the thing has droppeed wifi again at around this section on it: wlan0 sec_info
Which seems ironicaly similar to the nand restore message it outlined rkwifi,now it may be coincidence but i think it may pertain to the general issue? Either that or i'm thinking too far into it?