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trying to figure out what I have

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    trying to figure out what I have

    My cousin bought this last year and the wifi sucks and it's been sitting around. I think it's a clone but I'm not 100% positive. I'm just wanting to know if there is anyway I can make it better using a custom rom and what rom would actually work. Also would a usb to ethernet adapter work with this unit?

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    It's obviously a MK809. I have no idea if there are MK809 clones out there. The main reason for crappy wifi is a crappy antenna, so software updates may not help. If you have some experience in this you can try to solder a proper antenna.

    EDIT: you can ask about a custom firmware here:
    These devices are very similar to yours.
    Last edited by phinc; 02 March 2014, 17:15.


      Originally posted by phinc View Post
      It's obviously a MK809. I have no idea if there are MK809 clones out there. The main reason for crappy wifi is a crappy antenna, so software updates may not help. If you have some experience in this you can try to solder a proper antenna.

      EDIT: you can ask about a custom firmware here:

      These devices are very similar to yours.
      I have absolutely no soldering experience. However, I actually found a video about modifying the outer case to accommodate the antenna wire, then removing the antenna from inside of the case away from the board, attaching the antenna to some thicker cardboard for support. I might try that first. Also I found a review on (where I purchased it for my cousin) that actually led back to here. If that fails I might just buy an MK809III or something in a few months especially after dropping some money on new keyboard/micro sd card for this android stick.

