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Freelander AP10

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    Freelander AP10

    Hello to everyone..

    I have bought Freelander AP10 and now the box is stuck on boot logo and not able to load. I try search the problem with no luck, so i am asking you guys because you are more experience than me maybe you have a solution to help me out fix the problem.
    First of all i found the page where i can download the firmware http://translate.googleusercontent.c...KyjhIESxyiSAWA but with no luck. The download drops everytime. Plus in this section http://translate.googleusercontent.c...n8mvmbgj5F32cw is the instruction how to reset and upgrade this box.

    So my question is, since i am not able to download the original firmware is there any other firmware compatible with my box so i can use it? Or is there a way so i can just reset the current ? There are a lot of firmware in this site and i dont know which one to use.


    You can try all RK3066 firmwares but only couple will be compatible, with working Wifi and BT if you know which chip is in your box then will be easy for you.
    For download of original FW from this link
    use internet download manager.
    Good luck


      Let me take a look at this firmware if I can get it downloaded. I might just do rooted custom ROM for you. Ill at least post a link to the firmware if you can't get to it.

      Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using Tapatalk
      Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
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        Thanks a lot for the help guys..


          I manage to download the firmware but still not able to flash. I am getting error on IDB prepare.

          18:41:05 144 <Layer 8-2> Prepare IDB Start18:41:05 145 <LAYER 8-2> INFO:CS(1) (4096MB) (MICRON)
          18:41:24 149 <LAYER 8-2> ERROR:FindIDBlock-->RKU_ReadSector failed,RetCode(-4)
          18:41:48 151 <LAYER 8-2> ERROR:GetWriteBackData-->RKU_ReadSector failed,RetCode(-4)

          Any clue ??


            This is more or less an OTA only update...meaning that it's not a complete firmware. It's only designed to update the already installed firmware on your tablet. Unless you have a link to the complete firmware, I'm afraid I can't help you with a custom ROM....too many missing parts.

            I'm assuming you are trying to update using recovery mode. I'm not familiar with Freelander's process for that.

            The error you are getting has to do with mounting the system with the correct permissions to copy the files to their respective locations. I've never had much luck getting these OTA updates to work properly on Pipo tablets.
            Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
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              Actually there is another folder in the zip with the image file not the update. i didnt even try to update. I am getting this error with the full firmware


                So, you are trying to install this with the RKBatchtool?
                Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                Read my BIO Here
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                  Yes i am loading the image file on RKBatchtool 1.7 and then i am doing the trick with the reset procedure. When the button becomes blue i click on upgrade. After that i am getting the error i posted before.

                  Thanks for the fast reply


                    rrileypm i dont wanna waste your time. I change pc from windows 64bit to windows 32bit and i proceed with the flash. I manage to upgrade the flash successful but still the box is stack on freelander boot logo.


                      Well i proceeded with the flash again and everything working fine now. I dont know what was the problem with windows 7 64 bit. I would like to thank you guys for the help. Appreciate ....


                        No problem.

                        I do have a rooted ROM in progress for that tablet.

                        I need some more info, though.

                        What is the screen resolution of this tablet? I need to make sure I get the right TWRP version to include.

                        This ROM will be:

                        Init.d support w/busybox commands
                        Working TWRP Recovery
                        Preinstall/Autoinstall feature added (if you want to install apps on first boot from external SD)
                        Plus, I'll turn up the signal on the wifi
                        Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                        Read my BIO Here
                        Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
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                          I didn't realize this was a TV Player...

                          No problem, I've got that ROM almost done. It will work. I'm just used to doing tablet ROM's, and I clued in on the Freelander brand name, thinking it was a tablet...I didn't even see it was in the TV player section.

                          I will also include the Beyond XBMC launcher as a option for you, if you want to use it. It will install on the first boot, but you will need to run it through it's setup process.
                          Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                          Read my BIO Here
                          Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                          Donate here


                            Yeap this is a TV player box. Much appreciate your help man thanks a lot


                              I'm putting the finishing touches on the ROM Kit right now.

                              I will post a link when it's uploaded.
                              Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                              Read my BIO Here
                              Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
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