I have tried search, but couldn't find anything related.
I have recently bought a pre owned neo x5. Today I thought I'd try to upgrade to a new rom (4.1.1 -> 4.2.2). Usually I am poking micro usb cables gently into the socket, trying which side works without applying force. This time, I inserted it the wrong way. I don't know if the socket was already mucked or if the minix' port is always like this. Now, the port seems broken. At least this is what it appears to me. The device does not show up in my computer (trying lsusb in linux). Also, there was a smell of overheated chips. Anyway, the minix itself does still work properly, only the port is broken and I don't seem to have a chance of upgrading.
So, I have two questions now:
Anybody owning a new x5 tried to insert the micro usb cable the wrong way? Did it work easily without applying force? Don't try this plugged.
Any chance of getting OTA upgrade from minix? Will that happen for the x5 anyway, or is it a x7 thing only? And they seem to ask people to upgrade to the first OTA enabled release before OTA will work for the next upgrade.
So, I am out of luck, right?