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    Bought the mad catz m.o.j.o console just the other day,it's supposed to be 1080p,all my panasonic 50" plasma 600hz 1080p tv says is 720p all the time? I can't get it to output 1080p at all,i have had a pc/k-r42 android tv box a wiiu and a xbox 360 running perfectly on this tv in 1080p never had a problem until i tried this m.o.j.o can anyone help please?

    The console does not have native resolution settings in the settings for display infact it has no tv scaling or any other settings,i have successfully rooted it,but the problem still exists as it did prior to rooting it,and i just can't set 1080p,even playing dead triger 2 when i press the information button on the tv it states 720p,it's going back to game if i can't get it working though that's guarenteed,as the advertisement from games states 1080p.So i could really do with some help guys and girls.
    What is the world if you don't explore?

    Originally posted by PHYSC View Post
    Bought the mad catz m.o.j.o console just the other day,it's supposed to be 1080p,all my panasonic 50" plasma 600hz 1080p tv says is 720p all the time? I can't get it to output 1080p at all,i have had a pc/k-r42 android tv box a wiiu and a xbox 360 running perfectly on this tv in 1080p never had a problem until i tried this m.o.j.o can anyone help please?

    The console does not have native resolution settings in the settings for display infact it has no tv scaling or any other settings,i have successfully rooted it,but the problem still exists as it did prior to rooting it,and i just can't set 1080p,even playing dead triger 2 when i press the information button on the tv it states 720p,it's going back to game if i can't get it working though that's guarenteed,as the advertisement from games states 1080p.So i could really do with some help guys and girls.
    You could try manually setting your resolution with an app such as "Resolution Changer PRO" I would first find out the native DPI settings before changing anything. You can use "LCDDensity for ROOT" for this.


      Originally posted by miasmablk View Post
      You could try manually setting your resolution with an app such as "Resolution Changer PRO" I would first find out the native DPI settings before changing anything. You can use "LCDDensity for ROOT" for this.
      Have got lcd density app max setting on it on my mad catz shows 640 I take it that it doesn't see my tv? As shouldn't 1080p show up on the slider? Have no idea what I am doing with this app though so can't chance it.
      What is the world if you don't explore?


        Originally posted by miasmablk View Post
        You could try manually setting your resolution with an app such as "Resolution Changer PRO" I would first find out the native DPI settings before changing anything. You can use "LCDDensity for ROOT" for this.
        Have got lcd density app max setting on it on my mad catz shows 640 I take it that it doesn't see my tv? As shouldn't 1080p show up on the slider? Have no idea what I am doing with this app though so can't chance it ,if a mad catz mojo owner could simply tell me if their console is 1080p on there tv as soon as they turn it on without setting anything would be great but it normally takes far too long for an answer in my experience on freaktab..

        Ok scrap my last remark,used another app it shows screen resolution=1920x1008 which I think should mean 1080 but app writes it wrong? then scale=2 and finaly pixels/inch=320, so I don't follow but it sounds right but I am no exert in dpi etc.
        What is the world if you don't explore?


          Ok i have used another app it shows screen resolution=1920x1008 which I think should mean 1080 but app writes it wrong? then scale=2 and finaly pixels/inch=320, so I don't follow but it sounds right but I am no exert in dpi etc.If anyone can answer me please jump in to this coinversation as the input is urgently required,i don't know anything about dpi other than i think it is dots per square inch or just dots per inch?
          What is the world if you don't explore?


            Fixed my m.o.j.o

            Right first of all i'd like to give a massive thanks to miasmablk for his advice without that i'd not have fixed my m.o.j.o,I used the app called resolution changer pro v2.1.2.1 I had already rooted the m.o.j.o console and this is necissary for using such apps,you will need to enable unknown sources by going into settings then go into security section and check the check box for i,In resolution changer pro application i set in the hdmi section not the device section of the app as follows: width 1920 height 1080 and dpi to 360, my specific tv is a 50" panasonic P50X50B 600hz plasma 1080p model, this automatically changed the mad catz m.o.j.o wallpaper to a standard wallpaper which is the green leaf wallpaper found on some android tv boxes at stock.

            It automatically then stretched the screen and shrunk the bottom menu pane to a perfectly acceptable size,screen sizes in the games are now miles bigger and the youtube app is no longer playing tiny clips but nice big and watchable clips instead.,I had set text in display settings to large previously,but found it ran like sh@t in games? Dead trigger glitched really badly with it on,but setting that to normal made the glitching (lag/stutters) almost none existant and it runs 99.9% perfectly now (this is wrong look at the bottom of the post for information) .Gta san andreas looks miles better,the device is natively displaying 720p when checking my tv info for the hdmi input,but the app pushes the scaling through any way.

            So I'm happy now and I am awaiting mad catz response,I sl@gged them off for it and vented,they are aware and have said they sent the main dev an email so he will be back Monday, and should explain why 1080p appears to be impossible for me to achieve on the console natively,I will come back with the details of his response asap.

            my theory is they have the 1080p compatible/capable hardware inside the m.o.j.o console,but guessing that until kitkat arrives in the awaited update,then it's not yet both useable or incorporated in the current os,it's a guess so no real idea,If I am right mad catz are in my opinion pulling the wool over people's eyes in their advertisements on their webpage and also GAME uk as they both are claiming it's 1080p, but I am not really sure it said 1080p capable,and that will be like tricking people if it requires the update to kitkat to make it natively 1080p,as i have read online it may still take them ages to get google to allow it as it's harder to check through it without a touch screen i read.Although it would be legal to say 1080p capable in any advert it wouldn't be moral in my personal opinion, as i couldn't do that to a customer my self as a company director if I was one, so hopefully this is not the case? But if it is then it does explain poor customer service/relations for me any way.

            Also got to add some notes: To enable developer options on the mad catz m.o.j.o,just go into settings and scroll down to about M.O.J.O and click on it, then repeatedly click on the writing that says Build Number until it says in a message that appears that it has now been enabled,or until you see it come up in settings.Wether or not this option dissapears when the console slips into standby is unkown yet,but hopefully not.

            I use a free app called set orientation it's version 1.1.4 and is available on the google play store and chose set to automatic full option in this app,this allows eg.360 security app to work in landscape view as will other apps.360 security is what i find to be the best security app so far.

            Another important finding is that the m.o.j.o won't play the game dead trigger 2 properly it lags like mad as it's preset in ultra high settings on install natively,so go to developer options and go to settings developer options then highlight the disable HW overlays (mark the check box for it) then go back to dead trigger 2 and set it in high not utra high in display settings page,this has removed all lag in game for me,and guessing it works for all other games if there are any that experience the same issue? As what it does is uses the rendering from the graphics card on the tegra 4 chip itself apposed to using the software to do it.

            It does run the game dead trigger 2 beautifully and laglessly now, and i am extremely impressed,also tried gta san andreas and the same again here it runs beatifully and laglessly,there is an absolutely huge gap in performance between the tegra 3 and tegra 4 soc chips as i also have a ouya console, and i have tried gta san andreas on that,that to runs well but absolutely nowhere near both the performance or lighting effects of a tegra 4 like the mad catz m.o.j.o.
            I just thought i'd do some reviewing for people interested.So all in all they (mad catz m.o.j.o console) are worth the buy if you get tinkering with it a bit.The controller is not all the hype people are leading others to believe though in my personal experience any way, i invision it personally as a little less the comfort of an xbox 360 pad but a bit better build quality,barr the switch on the controller as that does appear weak although it's stated by the mad catz global promotions guy on an online video as being sturdy? Your going to want to get a keyboard an mouse for it, a downside here is it has usb 2.0 and usb 3.0 ports at the back of the console except stupidly 1 has to be used for the controller to work on a mini usb bluetooth or wireless sensor it works with,thus defeats using a usb mouse and keyboard together without a powered hub i say powered hub as not to overload the board just incase using the usb keyboard and mouse,or you could use a ps2 keyboard and mouse on a ps2 to usb adaptor like i do.This should save switching the controller switch all the time as the switch to controler mode from mouse mode is needed to play games if you have been using the controller as a mouse previously.I am yet to try a phone on the controller mount it's a bracket provided to to game on that attaches to any current phone or so it states on video interview with the global prmotions guy any way,so i am yet to give impressions there on how that feels or works.

            I just thought some of that technical fixing may apply to people lumbered in the situation i was in.Good luck with your m.o.j.o.'s
            Last edited by PHYSC; 23 March 2014, 22:14. Reason: added a review of mad catz m.o.j.o console
            What is the world if you don't explore?

