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[ROM] XSample-Skelrom 1.5 forJXD s5110B

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    [ROM] XSample-Skelrom 1.5 forJXD s5110B

    New version 1.5.

    This is a minor update, that fixes some of the things still present, but don't expect huge changes, so if you are happy with your current firmware, maybe not need to update. However, if you are using stock firmware, then this firmware is more rock solid.

    - Bootloader unlocked. Now you can push it to 1,5 ghz using nofrillsCPU app (max default is at 1,32 ghz)

    - Fix battery drain during sleep.

    - Based on newest source code by amlogic mx72 device.

    - JXD mapper re-added, you can use tincore or JXD mapper as you prefer.

    - Included nofrillscpu and cpu adjuster app-

    - Some minor optimizations.


    Wake up bug is still there, so you have to use the same workarounds as 1.0 firmware, like powering off/on screen after sleep, or use CPU Adjuster app with different governor for screen off and On, like powersave for screen off, or interactive/performance2 for screen on.


    This time you have to use the recovery I Include with the rom in order to install. Unrar the file and put file to the root of microSd card, so that you have uImage_recovery, the and the SWAP files. If you want to use SWAP, use the SWAPs provided with this rom, the older ones from 1.0 won't work.

    Once you have copied the files enter recovery with Power and Volume + and you'll see stock recovery:

    Now make a wipe data, cache and media, and select apply update from ext, select skelrom zip file and install it. Once it finishes, select reboot system now.

    these devices has very bad nand chips, so after a flash some partition lie internal cannot be mounted properly, if this happens in your device, then install first this stock firmware before installing this rom:!x54HxAaA!F1uwyHRg5B71R8n2r-0ZnR0FAVYzUdwynlbRKKeFsIg

    DOWNLOAD OF THE ROM:!s95RhZLT!XnxFMxZiQifk7r6DTWZa0F-eplV2dWKTqLspBlC_d4w

    If your wifi doesn't work after installing the ROM, just flash this patch using Recovery and everything will be fine.!IkQlQJjA!NNNLx3PpGAs6pkQdwqYrPWqUfCRxHqGgWA6smcvu H2A

    Hi, the purpose of this rom is to introduce a firmware completely debloated, with just the mínimum essential apps to get it running, and some more funcionalities. In this sense the only gapps included are google play, gmail and youtube.


    - All chinese emulators and software stuff removed, including gameX and Chinese emus. Duplicated libraries deleted. Only emu included in Retroarch r16.
    - Improved google play (most apps should be available)
    - Deodexed and zipaligned.
    - Launcher stock replaced by holo launcher HD
    - Fix compatibility in Android games (most games should be ok, like NOVA 3 or Backstab)
    - Fix for some compatibility in some emus like nds4droid or apps like Perfect Viewer.
    - Mounting points changed: Now internal memory is /storage/sdcard0/ and microsd is /storage/sdcard1/ or if you see from mnt is /mnt/sdcard for internal and /mnt/external_sdcard. This makes easier the use of swap.
    - Setcpu free donate version XDA included with setcpu profile installed.
    - Battery shows percentage.
    - New splash screens and bootanimation.
    - Init.d support (you can place your own scripts)
    - Fix for audio codecs ac3 and DTS when reproduced in HW mode, so no more noisy sound every second.
    - JXD mapper completely removed and replaced by Tincore Keymapper.
    - Added reboot option to system power menu.
    - Fix the called “wake-up bug”, that provoked that system slow down after screen off, so there would a slowdown in some demanding games or emus.
    - Default governor is performance2 for screen on, and conservative for screen off.
    - Some tweaks to improve screen responsivness, make better ram consumption, etc
    New kernel with following features:
    - Updated to amlogic 3.0.50 source.
    - New governors added, like interactive and interactive2 or powersave.
    - New driver for mapping. Now device is a proper joystick instead of a keyboard. That means that you can map analogs directly in emulators, as well as d-pad in a different way. Consider now the device as “having a USB gamepad, so to speak”, with the right axis, etc. This also implies that some games that support gamepads can be mapped natively!. For instance, dead trigger. JXD mapper has been removed for this reason, since doesn’t support joysticks/gamepads, just keyboard mode.
    - CIFS/NFS support.
    - Uinput support
    - USB GPS support (cp210x and pl2303). This is experimental and untested so let me know.


    The firmware must be installed using ClockWork Recovery for s5110B, included in the package. Just extract all contents to root of your microSD Card, and you’ll se uImage_recovery, XSample-skelrom……zip, swap on and swap off zips.
    Power the device with the volume + to enter ClockWork Recovery. You can take the chance to make a backup of your current firmware if you want. To move inside recovery just use D-PAD and Start button.
    Then select and apply the following:
    - Wipe data- Yes
    - Wipe cache- Yes
    - Advanced – Wipe Dalvik cache Yes.

    Now just select apply update from sdcard and select the, and wait till it finishes, you can reboot system now once finished.

    About SWAP ON and SWAP OFF:
    These files are used in order to change your microSd and internalmemory as principal memory. If you want to use SWAP you can flash anytime you want from CWM, and SWAP_OFF to disable it. This rom is SWAP_OFF by default, so if you apply swap your memories will be mounted this way:
    - /MNT/sdcard for microSD
    - /MNT/external_sdcard for internal nand memory.


    Not all emus allow the use of mapping the right analog, this is basically because they only accept some specific pads, or have bad input support. An example of this are oids emus and FPSE. Other emus can map right analog as analog or independent keys, like Robert broglia’s ones, Mupen64 AE or epsxe for instance. Left analog is normally detected without issues in emus. You can use Tincore keymapper to map those emus that have some problems with analogs.

    In these videos you can see how to setup for nintendo 64 and ePSXe, which is the only one that supports properly right analog. FPSe only allo lef analog as far as I know.

    For Tincore Keymapper, be sure you have selected Tincore_mt as touch device, and the following options;

    Invert Touch generated X

    Swap/touch generated X/Y

    Feedback is needed and appreciated, but always if comes with a logcat of an app/game/whatever not running and legally bought. Sorry, but without logs I cannot imagine why something don’t want to start.
    If you want to make a firmware, don’t use this as base. Changing a couple of lines of build.prop and a couple of apks is not developing. Same for kernel.
    I have not included paid apps in this firmware, nor I will in the future, for legal purposes and respect to developers. I would like thank all people implied in this firmware, like Xsample team members Deen0X and Tincore, and Christian Troy for its virtuous_oc daemon.
    And special thanks to Geekgoo and Willgoo, for providing demo unit to make this firmware possible.

    DOWNLOAD LINK:!w14DTRjY!ZIbcKEvyV3x7EZ2-DVfbRXVyXRQdnZiXO2j-Mh584wk

    Source for kernel:

