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IFive Mini 3 Retina Review/Development

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    IFive Mini 3 Retina Review/Development

    I just received one of these new iFive tablets a few days ago. Thanks to for sending me this tablet at a discounted price, so I can make ROMs for it and other similar iFive tablets.

    As far as performance goes, the tablet runs smoothly...and works great. This is the first RK tablet I've seen with KK loaded out of the box.

    So far, I haven't encountered any problems running apps...playing games and videos. The cameras work well. The screen looks good.

    After a day or so, I decided to do a ROM dump of the firmware to have a hand at making a RileyROM. There's some bloatware that needs to go...and I prefer running a rooted device. Plus adding all of the standard RileyROM features.

    The problem started there.

    The ROM work went without a hitch until I tried to flash it. Normally, when flashing a Rockchip ROM you need to erase idb to format the NAND to accommodate the new partition sizes. Each time I try to erase idb, it fails. I've tried the Finless Flash Tool as well as the new RKFlashTool...neither seem to work.

    I attempted to create a single update.img to flash with the RKBatchTool, and still didn't reformat NAND. No matter what I've tried, short of opening the tablet and shorting pins to achieve mask mode...I can't erase idb.

    So I tried flashing a ROM from another site. The ROM flashes OK, but the Batch Tool still wouldn't erase idb. But the ROM works just fine. I guess the individual components fit within the stock partitions. That's my next see if I can make my ROM fit the existing stock parameters.

    I'm hoping that I can make some adjustments to my ROM so it will work on this tablet...but I really don't want to publish a ROM without solving this NAND problem.

    Having to short pins to get into mask mode isn't an option for most people, especially with this particular tablet. The only way to open the case is from the front. This solid little tablet is built like an iPad...with the case molded in one piece. I haven't figured out a way to do it without causing damage to the screen.

    Fellow Freaktab developer Leolas has a new X2 tablet with the same issue.

    We are working together to solve this one little hitch...and I'm hoping to be able to release a ROM soon.

    If anyone has experienced this...I'm open to suggestions. In the meantime stay tuned.
    Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
    Read my BIO Here
    Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
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    Re : IFive Mini 3 Retina Review/Development

    Thanks for the feedback
    I was a quite sceptical regarding perf. on rk3188 + retina display, but it seems FNF did a good work here...great!

    Cross finger for your research on NAND problem. FNF put special emmc memory on these tablets, this could be related, specially if they put a RW/format protection...


      I have one of these tablets in the mail so hoping you'll solve it. I hate the chinese roms with all their bloat and chinese characters floating around the system

      Have you checked out what they did on this rom?


        I now have my ROM working...just flashed and testing now.

        I'm still unable to erase IDB, but at least I have a rooted ROM, debloated the way I want it. I have some more testing to do before I can release a ROM...but I'm close.
        Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
        Read my BIO Here
        Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
        Donate here

