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Dell Streak 7

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    Dell Streak 7

    I just purchased the DS7 with android 3.2 (not caring for the ICS which is why I returned my Nextbook 7s) it is the wifi only version as I have no use ATM for a 3G/4G model. My question is has anyone here had/use this tablet and if so how was/is it? Pros/Cons.
    It won't arrive here until Thursday according to UPS tracking but I am dieing to find out. All reviews I have read are pretty much 50/50 but would rather hear from the horses mouth (hope that is a good way to put it).

    Thanks for any info.

    Last edited by reddtessa; 19 June 2012, 03:54.

    Well I have had this tablet for almost a month now...I am liking other than the battery life is terrible! About 2 hours max before the adjustments and I have to charge it.
    I started running Juice Defender as that seems to be helping a few of my friends that have also purchased this, they purchased from either icemonkey for the 139.99 special they had a few weeks back.
    Other than having to run it in airplane mode to help conserve a bit of battery (thankfully the WiFi still works in airplane mode) I have been able to get almost 4 hours out of it now, not too fun when you have a heavy ebook reader using it though anyone else know of a better fix?

    Doesn't seem like there are too many Dell users on here


      Have you tried dimming the screen down a little? The screen can burn a lot of power.
      I find in the house it does not need to be full brightness to be comfortable.

      Thanks for the tips on juice defender.

      "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
      "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
      "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
      "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
      "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
      "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
      "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
      "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
      "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


        Your welcome, and yes I have it down to about 5-10% as we keep the house pretty dark due to how hot it's been here on the East Coast.

