No I am not the seller, I am looking to get one because they are the cheapest 3188T's I can source in the UK (unless someone can link me a better deal). I looked hard for some real reviews, but to be honest my spidy senses tell me they have a myriad of issues, that's why they are so cheap. I am also wondering if anyone knows if this model has CWM / root or custom roms that work with it, especially if I can partition the memory into 4*4.
I think I have seen on here a costom rom for this model, but the thread I was reading on it seemed to die after 2 pages, with no real answers to my above listed concerns.
Oh and I just brought this,, actually a pretty good guide (lot's of APPs I didn't know about) and I got a coupon code with it, so if anyone wants a money off coupon, then here it is - IRFYB1E7LP .I think its good for like the first 50 buyers + you can get another 20% off if you share it on Facebook etc.