Anyway, here is the offending entry:
" Personally, I applaud Freaktab's contribution to the stick & box market. Its about time hardware is released that has forethought wrapped around it, and the big draw for this one isnt what's on the pcb, it's the support behind it.
Too many manufacturers have flooded an emerging market with crap that looks fantastic on paper but falls short of expectations because FW and device development stopped on the factory floor, regardless of functionality. Add the hardware variations between models of countless clones and you have an immense quantity of junk designed to be sold, and no more (example: "MK809III" pcb).
Freaktab is an oasis of open thought and has been pivotal to the survival of this infantile corner of technology. The devs involved in Freakbox may use nicks, but this is the norm in a forum community and they dont hide behind their psuedos. They are very real people with a passion that extends beyond financial gain and notoriety. They are on the frontlines sorting out the monumental mess Chinese stick n box factories are now aware they dont have to deal with.
The truth is most tv stick and box manufacturers rely on external companies to build firmware, and they're formidably terrible at it. Enough so that the ongoing efforts of Freaktab contributors such as D33, FinlessBob, Neomode, Sam321 and others are now being utilized by those same 3rd party fw crunchers to save their own arses. Couple lazy fw dev with a penchant for cloning anything they can get their hands on and it becomes obvious why the cats behind Freakbox may stray away from an entirely open platform. Neomode's crew aren't looking to corner the market and make a killing. They've created a device that functions as promised, has actual support and ultimately represents where the industry needs to be, lest it implode.
The SOC implemented on Freakbox is certainly not going to be the "-t" variant of the RK3188 chip. The RK3188 was chosen based on it's performance, and that the SDKs are familiar to the devs. New SOC hardware may have higher clocks or additional technology, but the turn around period for full dev will leave the device partially crippled until after consumers have the hardware. This isnt beneficial to end users or the market as a whole, and they want to avoid it. Given the nature of the stick & box game, even semi reputable names such as MiniX have issues and fixes are generally to be found on Freaktab.
I'm done ranting now. Vive la Freakbox, Vive la Freaktab."
I stand by my convictions. Good luck with the project, guys. N thank you for keeping this boat afloat.
Peace - Mech
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