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C306 Android 4.0 ICS gaming tablet (GP33003 Cortex [email protected])

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    C306 Android 4.0 ICS gaming tablet (GP33003 Cortex [email protected])

    I just ordered this less than $50 ICS gaming tablet for my son to play retro emulator games plus some low CPU/GPU intensive Android games. I searched and searched for more info on this tablet online and nothing really came up except Chinese websites selling them and one unboxing video that is in a language I don't understand. No reviews, no root or custom ROM info, nothing. Does anyone know anything interesting about this device? How to root, custom ROM's, what game's work well, what games don't, etc? Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks


    Last edited by B-Man; 15 October 2014, 17:11.

    Here is the only video I can find of the C306. I can't understand the language tho.


      Don't expect custom ROMS for GP33003 devices. General Plus use a very different way to make roms and kernel, not following a minimum standard. For root, most probably towelroot or KingoRoot will work for you.


        seems a good device ,but sorry i cannot help more for this device .
        like cheap tablets ,hopefully can see a lot of models


          I just want to update people in case anyone wants to know. I received this tablet the other day and was able to root via SuperOneClick and then immediately replaces Superuser with SuperSU. 512 ram has become a slight issue, so cleaning cache and closing open apps becomes a must if you want any kind of performance. The "touch" part of the touch screen is pretty bad, but most of the touch functions can be emulated with the controller buttons, so it's not the end of the world. The Battery level seems to be inaccurate, so I'm in the process of trying some battery calibration apps to fix. I'm also testing a few games to see how far I can push it. Crazy Taxi is super choppy and I wouldn't recommend it, but Pocket Rally is only a little choppy, and acceptable in my opinion. MotoHeroz works great, all retro emulators I tested work great. I'm also in the process of locking down any apps I don't want my son to get into via "App Lock" apps. Hopefully when he opens it on Christmas it'll be running as good as possible, with as many usable games loaded as possible, important apps locked away from him, and automated cache cleaner and app closer running, and the battery level indicator accurate.


            Originally posted by B-Man View Post
            I just ordered this less than $50 ICS gaming tablet for my son to play retro emulator games plus some low CPU/GPU intensive Android games. I searched and searched for more info on this tablet online and nothing really came up except Chinese websites selling them and one unboxing video that is in a language I don't understand. No reviews, no root or custom ROM info, nothing. Does anyone know anything interesting about this device? How to root, custom ROM's, what game's work well, what games don't, etc? Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks



            One of our relative bought this device for my daughter and gifted her back in 2016. for first few days she used with some android games and after 2 months it was not working. i think there was a problem with the power supply system or the ICU. by the way, it was one of my daughter's favorite as she loves playing video games. but unfortunately it did not last long ! poor chinese product .
            Last edited by Florance; 24 February 2020, 16:03.


              Now the phone itself is replacing a bunch of game consoles and you can play different games on your smartphone!
              And online games, and download.
              In addition, the phone can be used as a game joystick!
              This is unbelievable! Our society is developing by leaps and bounds!

              For example, I use my phone to play games in vehicles or at home when I am too lazy to turn on the computer.

              My favorite games are here.
              JapanCasinoSpotは日本のオンラインカジノを紹介します! 特定のオンラインカジノレビューと評判. 300以上のスロットマシンをプレイ➤リアルマネーのヒントと戦略➤カジノオンラインスペシャルプロモーション&ボーナス!


                Oh yeah! It's a great classic! He has been with me for many years and now I have too! Of course it's not my main gadget, but I'm a fan of it! I am wondering if you can download newer versions of the operating system? I know there is a pretty powerful processor out there and it can take out more loads!
                I read a lot about it here:

