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Updated CWM Recovery for Cube U30GT Mini and H (May work on other RK3066 tabs)

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    Updated CWM Recovery for Cube U30GT Mini and H (May work on other RK3066 tabs)

    I've been using an updated CWM recovery on my Cube Mini. This is version and is touch based. I've used this both flashed on it's own to my mini and also as part of a full flash.

    When flashed as part of a full ROM the tab will boot into recovery, select reboot and the tab should start up. The first start up will probably result in sdcard errors, now the tab is started press the notification to format the internal sdcard and you are good.

    I've not tested this on other tabs but it's been confirmed to work with the U30GT H and will probably work on other RK3066 tabs as well.

    As usual I'd be grateful of any feedback positive or otherwise.

    almost forgot the link

    Recovery Touch (1.8 meg)

    Last edited by 900supersport; 13 January 2013, 17:45. Reason: Link Updated

    900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

    900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

    Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

    Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

    If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

    freaktab developer

    Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.

    Hi 900ss the link doesn't appear to be working.


      It should take you to my GDrive where I have shared it.

      Just tested and it works OK for me, could be as I am uploading a ROM Kit based on cubes 1.09 fw

      900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

      900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

      Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

      Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

      If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

      freaktab developer

      Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.


        Re: Updated CWM Recovery for Cube U30GT Mini and H (May work on other RK3066 tabs)

        That'd make sense as I can't access any of your files... I'll wait and check later.

        Sent from my U30GT-H using Tapatalk 2


          Re: Updated CWM Recovery for Cube U30GT Mini and H (May work on other RK3066 tabs)

          Could be the band width too high. If so I'll try dropbox later.

          900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

          900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

          Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

          Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

          If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

          freaktab developer

          Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.


            NOT OWRKING

            Originally posted by 900supersport View Post
            I've been using an updated CWM recovery on my Cube Mini. This is version and is touch based. I've used this both flashed on it's own to my mini and also as part of a full flash.

            When flashed as part of a full ROM the tab will boot into recovery, select reboot and the tab should start up. The first start up will probably result in sdcard errors, now the tab is started press the notification to format the internal sdcard and you are good.

            I've not tested this on other tabs but it's been confirmed to work with the U30GT H and will probably work on other RK3066 tabs as well.

            As usual I'd be grateful of any feedback positive or otherwise.

            almost forgot the link

            Recovery Touch (1.8 meg)

            Mine is U30GT- mini like yours. I formatted SD card to 32 bit. copy your recovery.img there.
            Press power and volume up till i se recovery mode, choosed update rkimage from /sdcard.
            nothing happerned. "E:can't mount /update.img, can not found firmware image ore invalid image"

            Currently my mini only show to recovery mode after I switched on power. OWrse off all my pc cant recognised even I used a lot of rk usb driver, still showed yellow triangle at U30GT-M in device manager. I made my win 7 64 allow not diigtally signed driver able to install. Can you help? If my mini can be recognised by PC, I will use RK batch tool and reinstall firmware again.

            Thank you so much


              With the cube switched off, well changed but not on the charger
              • press and hold power for 10 seconds to force the cube off
              • press and hold vol+
              • press and hold power for 4 seconds
              • release vol +, the screen should remain black
              • connect the cube to the PC via USB, it should be detected
              • Install the drives (included in my ROM kit)
              • Start the flash tool

              900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

              900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

              Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

              Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

              If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

              freaktab developer

              Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.


                Works well on U30GT-H

                Thanks for all your hard work. This works well on my U30GT-H and I don't have to worry about my volume rockers failing again!


                  Is this CWM Recovery support about Backup, then Recovery? Because last CWM Recovery not recovery. Always error.


                    Re: Updated CWM Recovery for Cube U30GT Mini and H (May work on other RK3066 tabs)

                    It should give backup and restore functionality yes.

                    900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

                    900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

                    Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

                    Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

                    If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

                    freaktab developer

                    Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.


                      Wish master,
                      I read somewhere, to format ur SD card to NTFS, copy the .img file to it, then put it in ur pad and then copy it over to the nand drive, rename it to update. img and it should come up with "If you want to update..." I tried this and it works fine. kind of snazzy so as not to erase ur data either.

                      hope it helps...

                      Originally posted by wish master View Post
                      Mine is U30GT- mini like yours. I formatted SD card to 32 bit. copy your recovery.img there.
                      Press power and volume up till i se recovery mode, choosed update rkimage from /sdcard.
                      nothing happerned. "E:can't mount /update.img, can not found firmware image ore invalid image"

                      Currently my mini only show to recovery mode after I switched on power. OWrse off all my pc cant recognised even I used a lot of rk usb driver, still showed yellow triangle at U30GT-M in device manager. I made my win 7 64 allow not diigtally signed driver able to install. Can you help? If my mini can be recognised by PC, I will use RK batch tool and reinstall firmware again.

                      Thank you so much


                        Originally posted by cmiuc View Post
                        Wish master,
                        I read somewhere, to format ur SD card to NTFS, copy the .img file to it, then put it in ur pad and then copy it over to the nand drive, rename it to update. img and it should come up with "If you want to update..." I tried this and it works fine. kind of snazzy so as not to erase ur data either.

                        hope it helps...

                        Dear cmiuc,

                        Thanks for your advice.
                        copy which img fieele - recovery img or rooted rom 1.04?
                        mine is u30 gt- mini version
                        Current situation: my win 7 64 bit not recognised, able to off power by press n holding power switch. Once power is on(i tried alot of combinations poweralone, power plus vol+, power plus vol-) my mini went to android logo lay dwon with open stomach and red triangle exclamation. After pressing together power and vol +, went into recovery mode ( blue text line options)

                        I will try with ntfs and will update that anyone with same problem can learn


                          Hello, How i gonna install with the CWM recovery. I have totally no idea with it. Please guide me. Im using u30gt-h v1.10


                            cwm on stock rooted kernel

                            hi! i'm using a mediacom branded tablet. it's called 102 s2. it's a cube u30gt-h device. I tried your rom. It's super! i'd like also to be able to use cwm of your rom on stock kernel. is it possible? thx for your work


                              Yes I think it's possible. Flash just the kernel and recovery from my ROM

                              900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

                              900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

                              Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

                              Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

                              If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

                              freaktab developer

                              Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.

