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[XBMC] FrequencySwitcher addon for Amlogic S802

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    [XBMC] FrequencySwitcher addon for Amlogic S802

    I have amended the FrequencySwitcher addon posted on MINIX forum to remove the check whether it is MINIX device or not so now it should work for every Amlogic S802 device - tested so far on M8N with JustMe 1.2 ROM and Tronsmart Vega S89 with the latest official rooted ROM.

    It is required to grant the write permissions to
    /sys/class/display/mode file like
    chmod 666 /sys/class/display/mode
    Last edited by no_spam_for_me; 14 November 2014, 18:46. Reason: S809 -> S802 :)

    First THX

    I think, if they use the same directory (/sys/class/display/mode) it will also work at the S805 and S812

    For those who don't know the switcher:
    This is a Frequency Switcher.
    It currently supports switching manually (via mapped key) or automatically between refresh rates for these resolutions:
    - 1080p - 24hz, 50hz and 60hz
    - 720p - 50hz and 60hz
    There is a settings page to configure the frequency that specific source framerates automatically switch to.
    Installation instructions:
    In XBMC:
    - Programs
    - Get More...
    - ..
    - ..
    - Install from zip file
    - select the downloaded (unextracted) .zip file

    Auto-switching is not enabled by default. You will need to configure first then restart XBMC.

    The configuration menu can be found under Programs - Addons - Frequency Switcher.
    Open via OK on the remote, Enter on a keyboard, or Left Click on mouse (not via the Context menu - Addon settings).

    Change log:
    - Fix for auto switching DVD-ISO and IMG files
    - Improved source frame rate detection
    - Reduced stand down period
    - Added Info mapped key
    - Added 50hz option for playback stop
    - Improved Clean Up
    - Settings shared between profiles
    - Added support for switching on end of playback
    - Prevented switching when playing audio files
    - Removed notification sound
    - Improved Automatic mapped key
    - Service optimization
    - Service startup changed from Login to XBMC Startup
    - Added Clean Up (for use before Uninstall and Disable)
    - added support for key navigation.
    A BIG THX to jk-nz for his hard work at the original version!
    RK3288 Devices
    - Overview BOX (LINK !)
    - Overview STICK (Dongle) (LINK !)

    MINIX NEO: Z64 W/A - (Intel Z3735F); X8-H Plus - (Amlogic S812H); A2 Lite (sponsored by
    UGOOS UT3S (4/32GB with fan) - FW 2.0.6 - (RK3288) (sponsored by
    Tronsmart Draco AW80 Meta (2/16GB) - FW v2.0rc3 - (Allwinner A80) (sponsored by
    Beelink / UBOX R89 - FW 111k4110_1219 - (RK3288) (sponsored by Netxeon (Beelink))

    RK3188: pcb => "CH001 1332 TN-BX09_V2.1" (K-R42 / CS918...) => wasser KK 1.0.3 (old rev)
    Fly Mouse Mini Wireless Keyboard with 2 mode learning IR remote 'iPazzPort KP-810-16'


      Tested. Works on Tronsmart S89 109k4 ROM with permission change
      chmod 666 /sys/class/display/mode
      If on next boot permission is restored to default – edit this file /system/bin/ and set permissions there. At the end of file add this line, save and restart your device:
      chmod 666 /sys/class/display/mode
      Screenshot from XBMC - Programs - Addons - Frequency Switcher.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_2014-11-14-16-10-51.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	82.9 KB
ID:	435270

      This thread should be pinned after thread title correction. Change S809 to S802.


        I made this change to my last ROM in the file init.amlogic.rc and ueventd.amlogic.rc in boot.img.

        So custom ROMs should add this permission from now on.

        This has also been in the last 2 Minix ROMs along with these other changes to support XBMC

        chmod 0666 /dev/amstream_abuf
        chmod 0666 /dev/amstream_mpps
        chmod 0666 /dev/amstream_mpts
        chmod 0666 /dev/amstream_rm
        chmod 0666 /dev/amstream_sub
        chmod 0666 /dev/amstream_sub_read
        chmod 0666 /dev/amstream_userdata
        chmod 0666 /dev/amstream_vbuf
        chmod 0666 /dev/amvideo
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/audiodsp/digital_raw
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/ppmgr/ppmgr_3d_mode
        chmod 0666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
        chmod 0666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
        chmod 0666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/tsync/enable
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/angle
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/axis
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/blackout_policy
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/brightness
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/contrast
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/crop
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/debugflags
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/device_resolution
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/disable_video
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/file_name
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/fps_info
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/frame_addr
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/frame_aspect_ratio
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/frame_canvas_height
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/frame_canvas_width
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/frame_format
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/frame_height
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/frame_rate
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/frame_width
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/freerun_mode
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/global_offset
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/nonlinear_factor
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/saturation
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/screen_mode
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/stereo_scaler
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/test_screen
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/threedim_mode
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/trickmode_duration
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/vframe_states
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/video_speed_check_h_w
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/video_state
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/vsync_pts_inc_upint
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/zoom
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/video/amvideo
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/tsync/pts_pcrscr
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/config
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/disp_mode
        chmod 0666 /sys/class/display/mode

        "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
        "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
        "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
        "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
        "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
        "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
        "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
        "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju Å¡to čine"
        "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


          orion pro stock


          No such file on the tronsmart orion pro, sadly, I only see

          u0_a75@rk3288:/sys/class/display $

          Stock ROM



            Is the 'tronsmart orion pro' an Amlogic device? I don't think so
            RockChip KK/kernel use another structure...
            RK3288 Devices
            - Overview BOX (LINK !)
            - Overview STICK (Dongle) (LINK !)

            MINIX NEO: Z64 W/A - (Intel Z3735F); X8-H Plus - (Amlogic S812H); A2 Lite (sponsored by
            UGOOS UT3S (4/32GB with fan) - FW 2.0.6 - (RK3288) (sponsored by
            Tronsmart Draco AW80 Meta (2/16GB) - FW v2.0rc3 - (Allwinner A80) (sponsored by
            Beelink / UBOX R89 - FW 111k4110_1219 - (RK3288) (sponsored by Netxeon (Beelink))

            RK3188: pcb => "CH001 1332 TN-BX09_V2.1" (K-R42 / CS918...) => wasser KK 1.0.3 (old rev)
            Fly Mouse Mini Wireless Keyboard with 2 mode learning IR remote 'iPazzPort KP-810-16'


              Originally posted by adamanth View Post
              I have amended the FrequencySwitcher addon posted on MINIX forum to remove the check whether it is MINIX device or not so now it should work for every Amlogic S802 device - tested so far on M8N with JustMe 1.2 ROM and Tronsmart Vega S89 with the latest official rooted ROM.

              It is required to grant the write permissions to
              /sys/class/display/mode file like
              chmod 666 /sys/class/display/mode

              thank you from me to do ou mind if i include on my next release firmware with kudo to you?
              Bugs are Sons of Glitches!

              If you like my work and it's helped you, you can always shout me a beer or two Click - Here

              Links : Visit JustMe ROMs - EM8 Square Roms - EM8 OpenELEC Rom - ADB GUI



                Originally posted by JustMe View Post
                thank you from me to do ou mind if i include on my next release firmware with kudo to you?
                I have no idea if we will see him back at FT
                I ask him, during he was online, to edit the thread-tile but he ignores it...

                I think it will be OK if you use it at your rom, because he also only took it from another one (and remove the check wasn't really difficult) ...
                RK3288 Devices
                - Overview BOX (LINK !)
                - Overview STICK (Dongle) (LINK !)

                MINIX NEO: Z64 W/A - (Intel Z3735F); X8-H Plus - (Amlogic S812H); A2 Lite (sponsored by
                UGOOS UT3S (4/32GB with fan) - FW 2.0.6 - (RK3288) (sponsored by
                Tronsmart Draco AW80 Meta (2/16GB) - FW v2.0rc3 - (Allwinner A80) (sponsored by
                Beelink / UBOX R89 - FW 111k4110_1219 - (RK3288) (sponsored by Netxeon (Beelink))

                RK3188: pcb => "CH001 1332 TN-BX09_V2.1" (K-R42 / CS918...) => wasser KK 1.0.3 (old rev)
                Fly Mouse Mini Wireless Keyboard with 2 mode learning IR remote 'iPazzPort KP-810-16'


                  Originally posted by no_spam_for_me View Post
                  I have no idea if we will see him back at FT
                  I ask him, during he was online, to edit the thread-tile but he ignores it...

                  I think it will be OK if you use it at your rom, because he also only took it from another one (and remove the check wasn't really difficult) ...
                  Yep, it is not a rocket since to remove these checks ) No objections from my side to include this script to whatever you want )


                    Originally posted by adamanth View Post
                    Yep, it is not a rocket since to remove these checks ) No objections from my side to include this script to whatever you want )
                    I modified this script a while back but ended up not using it due to the delay experienced every few seconds. I believe the delay is caused by a non functioning video clock sync in XBMC (The missed frames need to catchup). This script works on MINIX because they had a special version of XBMC.


                      Originally posted by hackadroid View Post
                      I modified this script a while back but ended up not using it due to the delay experienced every few seconds. I believe the delay is caused by a non functioning video clock sync in XBMC (The missed frames need to catchup). This script works on MINIX because they had a special version of XBMC.
                      Hi but is it not possible to remove these checks on there xbmc 13.3 apk. I tried installing but hardware checks put a halt to that.


                        I tried with s812 mxIII-G with

                        I try with s905 mini mx, but seems universal init.d isn't make the hdmimode writable
                        Kodi Media Center, a free and open source cross-platform media center software, capable of playing back almost all known video, audio and picture formats.


                          works on 4.4.2 not work on 5.1.1


                            Originally posted by bajann View Post
                            works on 4.4.2 not work on 5.1.1
                            ​my mxiii-g running on lollipop, and I can make this.


                              Hi all
                              Can anyone please post a link to this file as the one posted doesn't seem to be working


