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Remote + ROM Combination for Orion R28

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    Remote + ROM Combination for Orion R28

    I am deciding on a new TV Box and am considering the Tronsmart Orion R28. It seems pretty evident that I will have to get a different remote control. Does any one have any recommendations? Air mouse and keyboard combo is a must and I would like to have working IR, mic, and headphone. Also looking for a dependable ROM that works with the remote.

    I've been using the Tronsmart TSM01 airmouse/keyboard with the stock R28 ROM.

    Doesn't have IR, Mic or Headphone, but is dirt cheap and has very good range.
    It has been performing very well so far.

    I'm impressed with it.


      Originally posted by Dez View Post
      I've been using the Tronsmart TSM01 airmouse/keyboard with the stock R28 ROM.

      Doesn't have IR, Mic or Headphone, but is dirt cheap and has very good range.
      It has been performing very well so far.

      I'm impressed with it.
      The only custom ROM that I have found so far with working IR is mo123 nagrace hph ROM. You must unpack the tronsmart 110k fw and replace mo's boot.img and resource.img with the one from the tronsmart fw. That is unless you have one of the very very first r28's. Those use the same remote as the Nagrace HPH.

      Won't work with newer versions because the kernel is too new to work with old boot.img from tronsmart fw.

      Currently using U-BOX R89 with mo123 v1.6.
      Other android tv device - ADT-1 running latest PureNexus 6.0.1 MM and very impressed with the changes vs stock molly!
      Pipo M9S -- CrewRKTab custom rooted 4.4.2
      RCA Viking Pro 10 -- Custom stock rooted 5.1 by me <- FOR SALE
      ----------- ROM by me, the first way to update ZTE Force 4G from ICS to JB

