I purchased a new M8 (OTT TV BOX) S802 Amlogic device.
It mostly works well, but when I try to stream HD (both 1080 and 720) content on XBMC (through Genesis or XBMCTorrent ) , the device ,after 1 min of downloading, starts to freeze and sometimes shows horizontal white lines all over the video.
The freeze can unfreeze after 30 secs and then the video starts to run like in fast forward, and then it freezes again...
I have enabled debug and saw normal CPU and memory activity on freeze. (Although I can only see 2 cpu of the 4 I have)
I currently run 13.2 Gotham beta 3 (which came with the device, and I think is tweaked).
Things I tried these things:
1) To disable the hardware acceleration (from the setting->video) - Helped the freezing , but killed the movie quality
2) To put zero cache in advancedsettings - didn't help, also don't have a HD , only the 8GB flash of the device (I currently set it to 400mb cache)
Hope someone can help me with this issue, It's frustrating...
Thanks :-)