Contacted the Vendor of which I purchased it from and said to flash the device with a ROM they provided.
I flashed the device with Rockchip Batch Tool V1.7 and the ROM they provided. It completed successfully then reboots.
After the reboot I receive the following message on the screen :
"Missing bitmap stage_empty
Missing bitmap stage_fill
(Code 1)
Recovery Sytem v4.4.0
Failed to mount /metadata (Invalid argument)
Failed to mount /mnt/external_sd (No such device)
Failed to mount /mnt/external_sd (No such device)
Failed to mount /mnt/external_sd (No such device)
clone_data_if_exists->can't find databk partition
formatting /data
formatting /cache"
The device will then reboot. The Android symbol will show on the screen and sit there an do nothing.
Any ideas why this is happening?