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MIDC497 - Polaroid 9.7 - Root access OK / Playstore OK

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    MIDC497 - Polaroid 9.7 - Root access OK / Playstore OK


    I've bought this tablet and got a problem : even if we're root by default, we can't write on partition cause it's mounted read only.

    Do you know if there is a firmware I can use or, maybe a way to turn on the partition read-write ?

    This tablet has ICS and Superoneclick (root utils) tells me that my tablet is rooted.

    Even with root explorer, I can't mount partition r+w

    Last edited by ripp2003; 26 December 2012, 09:59. Reason: add some information
    8'' Polaroid MIDC408 rooted by default
    9.7'' Polaroid MIDC497 rooted with ICS unlocker

    Originally posted by ripp2003 View Post

    I've bought this tablet and got a problem : even if we're root by default, we can't write on partition cause it's mounted read only.

    Do you know if there is a firmware I can use or, maybe a way to turn on the partition read-write ?

    This tablet has ICS and Superoneclick (root utils) tells me that my tablet is rooted.

    Even with root explorer, I can't mount partition r+w

    I'm assuming you mean making /system rw. If so, there are things you can do depending on your knowledge level. if you have the windows drivers installed you can send adb commands to the tablet and see if that works, or you can install a terminal app via google play (if that's installed) and issue the mount commands right on the tablet. As for WHAT commands, I'll let you know when I get to work (on my phone right now)


      Thank you very much for the answer ;-)
      : that's exactly my problem r+w access to /system.

      Seems my driver are installed cause superoneclick can query my tablet.

      I will test this night some command threw adb like :
      mount -o rw,remount /system
      Wish this will work...

      These tablets are very strange : got a 8 inch from polaroid too (ICS) and this one got full root access with r+w access....and an apk officially installed that can install market ("market installer").

      Will post later my result and,;
      8'' Polaroid MIDC408 rooted by default
      9.7'' Polaroid MIDC497 rooted with ICS unlocker


        Originally posted by ripp2003 View Post
        Thank you very much for the answer ;-)
        : that's exactly my problem r+w access to /system.

        Seems my driver are installed cause superoneclick can query my tablet.

        I will test this night some command threw adb like :
        mount -o rw,remount /system
        Wish this will work...

        These tablets are very strange : got a 8 inch from polaroid too (ICS) and this one got full root access with r+w access....and an apk officially installed that can install market ("market installer").

        Will post later my result and,;
        I think the command is close-going off memory, but i think it's mount -o,rw remount /dev/block/nandd /system. either way, try both. worse comes to worse-they don't work. will find out for sure in about 30 minutes


          Here's the command I was thinking of:

          mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/nandd /system

          This assumes your /system folder is /dev/block/nandd of course. If it's an Allwinner tablet (which I'm hoping it is) than this should be correct.

          If not, you may have to substitute the /dev/block/nandd for something appropriate to your system (whatever that may be).


            damn it

            su uid 2000 not allowed to su
            Really don't understand. Remount can't be done cause it's not permitted
            8'' Polaroid MIDC408 rooted by default
            9.7'' Polaroid MIDC497 rooted with ICS unlocker


              Originally posted by ripp2003 View Post
              su uid 2000 not allowed to su
              This may be the result of using SuperOneClick. It unrooted a rooted tablet of mine when it replaced my stock version of 'su' with SuperUser's version but failed to install SuperUser.apk (or at least do it correctly). As a result, all 'su' requests failed. Do you have either "SuperUser.apk" in '/system/app' or "" in '/data/app'? If not, try installing it.

              In any case, if you're using ADB: does "adb root" succeed? If so, when you run "adb shell", you'll be logged in as root. And... have you tried "adb remount"? If successful, that will get you to your goal: r/w access to /system (temporarily).


                adb root give me this message :
                adb cannot run as root in production builds
                I've nothing in data, and no reference to any superuser in /system/app

                i've made some search and saw that my system is rooted but, cannot get write on system partition....

                Is this possible ?
                8'' Polaroid MIDC408 rooted by default
                9.7'' Polaroid MIDC497 rooted with ICS unlocker


                  Originally posted by ripp2003 View Post
                  adb root give me this message :
                  adb cannot run as root in production builds
                  I've nothing in data, and no reference to any superuser in /system/app
                  i've made some search and saw that my system is rooted but, cannot get write on system partition....
                  Is this possible ?
                  No Perhaps you had root access before but not now. If you had it, you wouldn't get the message you posted earlier.

                  Another thing: in /system/xbin, do you have a copy of 'su' that's 70+kb? If so, then SuperOneClick has done it again (i.e installed 'su' without the matching .apk). Like I said earlier, try installing the SuperUser app. If it installs successfully, you'll have root access again.

                  P.S. What version of Android are you running?


                    "su" is present in system/xbin (66.86K).

                    My tablet is an android 4.0.3 so ICS
                    8'' Polaroid MIDC408 rooted by default
                    9.7'' Polaroid MIDC497 rooted with ICS unlocker


                      Originally posted by ripp2003 View Post
                      "su" is present in system/xbin (66.86K).
                      That's a bit smaller than the 'su' that comes with the latest version of the SuperUser app - it's probably from an earlier version. If you can get the .apk installed it should be able to tell 'su' that it's OK to give you root access (no guarantee, however). Without the .apk, that copy of 'su' is certain deny access.


                        I'will try this night another method to definitely root my tablet but I'm afraid to have a cramfs system image read-only mounted..... like some tablets, wich means very difficult to hack...for me
                        Last edited by ripp2003; 21 December 2012, 15:52.
                        8'' Polaroid MIDC408 rooted by default
                        9.7'' Polaroid MIDC497 rooted with ICS unlocker


                          OHhhhhhhhhhhh great, finally that was so simple !!!!

                          After viewing that my system wasn't cramfs, I've search and test a lots differents root tools :

                          ICS root unlocker 1.0

                          Now my tablet is fully rooted (titanium backup ok, /system can be written).

                          Next step is to find a playstore version compatible.
                          8'' Polaroid MIDC408 rooted by default
                          9.7'' Polaroid MIDC497 rooted with ICS unlocker


                            Originally posted by ripp2003 View Post
                            OHhhhhhhhhhhh great, finally that was so simple !!!!

                            After viewing that my system wasn't cramfs, I've search and test a lots differents root tools :

                            ICS root unlocker 1.0

                            Now my tablet is fully rooted (titanium backup ok, /system can be written).

                            Next step is to find a playstore version compatible.
                            use es explorer (or equivalent) and see if you already have googleservicesframework.apk in your /system/app folder. if so, you should be able to just drop the latest vendor.apk in (with a permissions change of course). let me know if you need more details



                              I've took vending apk from my 8 inch polaroid, pushing it to /system.

                              Dalvik cleared / reboot..... playstore is not present in the launcher...

                              I've found some package of gapps wich contains 4 files
                              google service framework (0,70 MB)
                              One Time analyzer (8,08 KB)
                              Set up Wizard (232,46 KB)
                     (3,22 MB)
                              google service framework is already present on my tablet but the others go fine but, playstore is always not present in the launcher.

                              Some files must be missing because I've installed gmail (via some other market) : I receive mail notifications, gmail open via those notications but gmail icon not present in the launcher....
                              8'' Polaroid MIDC408 rooted by default
                              9.7'' Polaroid MIDC497 rooted with ICS unlocker

