It is recognised as a mouse (with a pointer) when connected by USB. I can have it recognised as a touch screen by adding a file to /system/usr/idc identifying it as a touchscreen.
I tested it on my Google Nexus 7 before my MX1 arrived and it works fine (though I couldn't test it with the screen), but in portrait and landscape mode the corners matched the display.
Come to my MX1 arriving, I have it recognised as a touch screen but it is rotated 90 degrees and hence unusable. I believe this is to do with the fact that the Nexus 7 "default" rotation is portrait. The MX1 this is landscape.
I tried messing with the build.prop entries:
I actually managed to get the display to be in portrait mode by setting the hwrotation to 0 and the touchscreen matched the display. Te screen is going to be mounted (hopefully lol) in a car in landscape mode. Any rotation app i downloaded had no effect.
Any ideas what I can do. I have read around and people are modifying the driver in the kernel etc which is a bit out of my league and i understand the kernel can't be recompiled anyway on the mx1 right now?
Any help would be appreciated. Love the ROM and MX1 so far thanks finless.
I am on MX1 Finless 1.5