Crystal JBX 1.0
-based on stock JB ROM 1119 for Ainol Novo Crystal batch 2
-init.d support
-stripped a bit, not much possible because of the relations between the apps
-standard stock cpu clock is 1.2Ghz, you can overclock to 1.512 with nofrills, but the crystal is a hot guy,

-supercharged services.jar, thanks to zeppelinrox
- added some apps I like
- moage launcher, based on adw launcher, thanks to moage
-hackers keyboard as option
special thanks to tattman65 for the awesome artwork in my ROM
If you are not shure how to use, read first this guide
Flash with stock recovery or more comfortable with TWRP recovery
Please flash the ROM, if you have a batch 2 crystal tablet. I have not tested my ROM with the other hardware versions, so I can't assume what side effect you will have.
For batch 1 and 3 crystal hardware you can try the compatibility Patches: Batch 1 Batch3 from fuser-invent
credits: fuser-invent, Christian Troy and Soulflier for all the basic work
Now lets see, how this ROM work. Please report me issues, I will try to fix it.
...and a song for the installation