By request I made a new Honeycomb MOMO7 ROM with Fenice57 3G modules added.
I do not know if they work on this so this is a TEST ROM!
I also updated the Google Market to Google Play with the latest files.
Here is the link to the updated MOMO7 ROM with 3G and Gplay
ROM -> Ployer MOMO7 version 1.4 -with 3G and Gplay - by Finless (141 megs)
Enjoy and I hope this works for you,
The NO 3G ROM download is below
OK so got a special request 2 days ago to see if I could crack this ROM. The MOMO7. Let me tell you specs on this tablet are nice! I als really like the looks of the MOMO11....
Anyway, it's a RK29 as well but let me tell you! It was very different. Like older RK28 boot.img has the kernel in it and a RAM disk. So those had to be all unpacked and I converted the ROM to RK29 like. e.g. I pulled out the kernel and repacked it into a separate kernel.img. Then I pulled out all the regular boot.img files and made a specific boot.img. I can tell you I know why they changed to this model in RK29. It simply boots faster than the old way!
Also system.img was a MESS. It had busted sym links all over the place and trashed broken files. Sheesh...
Then after all that fixing, I applied all my ROM trick I do in all my 1.4 ROMs and applied it to this.
FINAL NOTE: While I can flash this ROM to my Arnova and it will boot so I know it is not a brick ROM, I cannot test anything else! So your on your own. However let me know whats issues you have and I can do my best.
Remember I am not going to fix stock ROM issues!!! This ROM was made from the latest stock ROM SDK2.1 from the Ployer site. All I did to this ROM was root it, apply ext4 file systems, apply SU and superuser, and changed wifi timer to 300 for battery life. No other functionality should have changed. So if you have app issues or other issues, good chance that problem was in the stock ROM.
WARNING! Remove your SDCard when flashing this ROM!!! There is a risk it can be ERASED!!!
This has been a lot of work by many other people. I HAVE to give total PROPS to FreakTab user Fenice57. His first ext4 setup was not quite right. We all worked together and Fenice solved the problem by highly modifying the recovery system.
ext4 explanation:
Understand the history. After a ROM flash the recovery system formats everything. Well without a change in that it simply reformatted anything back to ext3. The ext4.ko kernel modules handled mounting an ext3 partition even if the mount command said to mount as ext4!!! It even reported it mounted as ext4!!! Go figure that one

So there was no ext4 file system to benefit from in previous work. The improved ext4 kernel modules gave a little performance add but not much. However Fenice57 worked HARD on solving this and modified the recovery system to stop the format to ext3. Sowa and myself also added in testing and showing the issues. But Fenice is the MAN! He solved it.
Fenice57... Can I just say THANK YOU! Everyone that uses my 1.4 ROM. Please also give a hand to Fenie57!
OK so what’s in this ROM 1.4
It's the same as 1.3
1) Full root with /system set as RW
2) SU and Superuser.apk installed and given root permissions
3) File system properly redone and blocked for NAND.
4) Market 3.4.4 installed
Whats added in 1.4 is:
1) WiFi scan interval is changed from 15 seconds to 300. This may help some guys with battery issues. Myself, I do not have this problem but due to many asking for it, I put it in. If you want to change it back:
Use a file manager and copy out from /system the file build.prop file. Copy it on your SDCard. Then copy to PC or whatever. Edit the file and find this line:
Just edit the 300 back to 15 and your back to stock.
2) ext4 file system.. Well I explained the work that went into this above but just to add. I have done extensive benchmarking with many tools. This does not add a huge performance increase to the overall use of the tablet. EXCEPT, and this is actually kind of benefit, Sequential Write of files to memory. Large file writes are over double what they were on ext3. Random Read and Random Write are about the same. So where you should see an increase is downloads to Tablet memory, market download and install speed, some apps that write to memory a lot, etc etc etc. Overall however, the tablet seems much faster to me but remember, I am the cooker so I am biased

Ok well that’s it. I was working on a dual boot setup but that will have to wait for 1.5

Here is the download link for 1.4
ROM -> Ployer MOMO7 version 1.4 by Finless (130 megs)
Market issues. Market issue "may" still exist. This is common on tablets that are not really supported by Google as a registered device. Most users have no issues but sometimes there can be, The 2 issues that seem to arise when your FIRST TIME try to use the Market are:
A) Cannot logon; "Cannot establish a reliable data connection" I have tried to recreate this and troubleshoot this. My belief if in fact this happens sometimes when Google servers are doing something or something is going on with them. When I had this happen once I simply waited a while and it worked later. So I cannot help too much here. My only suggestion to try is this
a) Install a root file manager like root explorer or ES file manager (enable root access for them)
b) Go in with the file manager and delete /data/misc/imei/imei or data.dat which ever one exists
B) Limited apps listed; I have reproduced this and know how to recreate it and fix it! This has to do (I beleive) that after a factory reset or a flash the tablet creates a ID based on some other IDs and a random key generator. Sometimes this ID Google does not like. So we have to clear that and reboot. YOU DO NOT EVER NEED TO REFLASH OR DO A FACOTRY RESET TO FIX THIS!!!!
DO the following
a) Again using a file manager that has root access go in and delete the follow folders from the /data/data directory. (not com.applib.vending!)
b) Reboot and do nothing else but run the Market. YOu should get a prompt asking you to accept the Google terms of service. If you did not you did something wrong. Do it again. If you do get the prompt, accept and now the Market should work fully with TONS of apps showing up.
OK so thats it.... I hope you enjoy my new ROM. Please feel free
Again, this ROM was a combined effort from a few people and I could not have done it without them!
Oh and also....special thanks to Freaktab user Daman for an awesome boot screen and a LOW COST boot animation that will show people if the Tab is bricked or actually booting! When I say a low cost boot animation I tested it. With out it the boot time was only 4 seconds longer! But the beauty is unlike complex boot animations out there, this one gives the user feedback showing something is happening rather than wondering if it is a brick! GOOD JOB Daman and thank you!
If you the user wants to remove it, since you are rooted

Tutorial for installing drivers for flashing-!