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Cube U9GT5 rk3188 900supersport ROM

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    Cube U9GT5 rk3188 900supersport ROM

    I've released a ROM for the cube u9gt5 rk3188 tab.

    • Flashing will delete everything on your Cube consider backing up first and remve any sdcard
    • Download and extract to a folder
    • connect the tab to the PC (you did remove the sdcard)
    • start the ROM flash tool
    • put the tab into flash mode, the PC should detect it, see below for instructions
    • install drivers if required
    • erase idb
    • flash, the ROM kit is correctly configured
    • the tab should boot to recovery and format cache, data and sdcard (this will take a few minutes)
    • the tab should now boot
    Let me know how this goes.

    So what do you get?
    • defaults to english uk
    • root
    • some bloat removed
    • busybox and init.d support
    • play/market fixes for more apps in Google Play
    • 2 gig app space (this is standard on the stock ROM)
    Booting to Bootloader (this works on the U30GT 2 so would assume it will work)
    1. Power off the Cube
    2. hold Vol +
    3. After 3 to 4 seconds release Vol +
    4. The Cube should be detected by the PC.
    If you have not already installed the drivers now would be a good time. I've included the drivers in the ROM kit in the RockusbDriver folder.
    Last edited by 900supersport; 13 April 2013, 16:54. Reason: Removed Beta status

    900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

    900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

    Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

    Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

    If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

    freaktab developer

    Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.

    Originally posted by 900supersport View Post
    I've released a beta ROM for the cube u9gt5 rk3188 tab.

    • Flashing will delete everything on your Cube consider backing up first and remve any sdcard

    • Download and extract to a folder
    • connect the tab to the PC (you did remove the sdcard)
    • start the ROM flash tool
    • put the tab into flash mode, the PC should detect it, see below for instructions
    • install drivers if required
    • erase idb
    • flash, the ROM kit is correctly configured
    • the tab should boot to recovery and format cache, data and sdcard (this will take a few minutes)
    • the tab should now boot

    Let me know how this goes.

    So what do you get?
    • defaults to english uk
    • root
    • some bloat removed
    • busybox and init.d support
    • play/market fixes for more apps in Google Play
    • 2 gig app space (this is standard on the stock ROM)

    Booting to Bootloader (this works on the U30GT 2 so would assume it will work)
    1. Power off the Cube
    2. hold Vol +
    3. After 3 to 4 seconds release Vol +
    4. The Cube should be detected by the PC.

    If you have not already installed the drivers now would be a good time. I've included the drivers in the ROM kit in the RockusbDriver folder.
    Thanks for your hard work, i will test it.


      Hi 900supersport,

      thanks for your rom. I installed it on my 97RQ. But the difference to the Cube stock firmware is not too big for me. All of the Chinese apps are also included in your rom.

      Unfortunately my 97RQ runs laggy (both with Vido and Cube firmware) and has not the performance as the Cube U9GT5 has. Seems the Cube is the better hardware choice.

      Thanks for your work.


        Re: Cube U9GT5 rk3188 900supersport ROM

        If I'm given a list of the Chinese apps that need removing I'll remove them when the test phase is over.

        900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

        900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

        Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

        Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

        If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

        freaktab developer

        Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.


          Originally posted by 900supersport View Post
          If I'm given a list of the Chinese apps that need removing I'll remove them when the test phase is over.
          Hi 900supersport,

          thanks for your attention. Without starting the tab these seems to be removable Chinese apps which are included in your rom. Look at the attachement.
          Attached Files


            Re: Cube U9GT5 rk3188 900supersport ROM

            After a few days with this rom i can say it is very stable and fast. Thanks 900Supersport.


              Originally posted by mml78 View Post
              After a few days with this rom i can say it is very stable and fast. Thanks 900Supersport.
              Hi mml78,
              how would you describe the difference to the stockfirmware ? I could not see a big difference but I don't have a Cube, I have a 97RQ OEM.


                The stock firmware is good so not too much.
                • root
                • some debloat, more to follow soon
                • market fixes for better play store compatibility
                • english by default
                • init.d support

                900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

                900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

                Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

                Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

                If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

                freaktab developer

                Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.



                  Wow there seems to be a lot of junk in this, I see the following. Anything else that should be removed as I prepare the final ROM?


                  900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

                  900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

                  Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

                  Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

                  If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

                  freaktab developer

                  Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.



                    is calculator and music bloatware also ? Sorry but I did not check the tablet actually for that.

                    sent from my Viewpad 10s / CM 4.2.2


                      I can easily include them if requested. I tend to visit Google play if I need either.

                      900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

                      900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

                      Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

                      Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

                      If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

                      freaktab developer

                      Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.


                        Re: Cube U9GT5 rk3188 900supersport ROM

                        Yes, if you can, remove all that unecessary app's, they are all available in Play Store (maybe except for the calculator).
                        And thanks a lot for your work.


                          I think you can find a much better calculator.

                          900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

                          900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

                          Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

                          Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

                          If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

                          freaktab developer

                          Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.


                            Re: Cube U9GT5 rk3188 900supersport ROM

                            Originally posted by 900supersport View Post
                            I think you can find a much better calculator.


                              OK, thanks for the feedback, I've uploaded a version 1.0 ROM, with more bloat removal and Freaktab boot images courtesy of Tattman65.

                              If you are already on the beta in all honesty there is little to be gained from flashing this. If you want the boot screens I can upload a boot.img and with instructions.

                              Let me know if cube release further updates and I'll work them too.

                              900supersports FreakTab rkROMkitchen

                              900supersports guide to working-RK-ROMs

                              Under Construction 900supersports guide to working MediaTek ROMS

                              Struggling for time at the moment, but will try and drop by when I can.

                              If you would like to support my ROM development then please visit my Google site donate page where you can make a paypal donation

                              freaktab developer

                              Proof that you're never to old to learn. Sometimes too old to remember though.

