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Biggest question asked -- Will ROM XYZ work with my ZYX TV player?

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    Biggest question asked -- Will ROM XYZ work with my ZYX TV player?

    OK I cant stand it anymore!

    All the threads are filled with this question that gets answered over an over again!!! Yet no one wants to read enough to find the answer....

    Will this ROM work with my XYZ stick?

    I DO NOT know the answer to this question as I ONLY work on ROMs that are specific to a device!!! Yet people come from other forums or BLOGs and read that XYZ works with ZYX and they come and post "Does it work?"
    Most of these same questions have already been answered! Yet again some people want the instant answer.

    In one day I see the same question asked and answered 4 times and honestly it is polluting the good discussions and other topics going on! It is driving me crazy due to all the clones with different labels coming out almost EVERY DAY!

    Now...... this thread and STICKY is made for those questions! Hopefully people will answer and give the facts.

    I WILL MOVE ANY post I see asking this kind of question to this "catch all thread".

    Let's hope with the 80 million CLONES of XYZ coming out that this questions gets answered easily

    "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
    "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
    "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
    "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
    "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
    "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
    "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
    "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
    "Forgive them as they know not what they do"

    With this information that comes in you could add it to your firmware treads.

    for example: "this rom works for: ug802, mk802 III" and so on... then people wont have to ask either. Cus with all these clones mostly a device works with some other device's firmware.
    Tablets: Asus Transformer pad tf300t | pipo smart s1
    Phones: Samsung Galaxy S2


      Re: Biggest question asked -- Will ROM XYZ work with my ZYX TV player?

      Users will still ask. It is always easier to just post instead of use the search function. It drives me crazy when the answer was posted and someone asks again right under the answer :banghead:

      Its always a issue on forums. Everyone wants spoon fed. Ok rant /off



        Originally posted by Finless View Post
        UPDATE March 24, 2013:

        I have added the 1.7 ROM for the MK808B V1 Clone. Consider it a BETA TEST ROM for now. Remember I cannot test this so I do not know if wifi and BT will work!

        All the other models MK808, MK808B, MK808B Sunvel Clone are working as desired.



        Features and release notes for my 1.7 ROM:

        This is an entirely new system. This is not much from the original MK808 ROM in this as fas as system goes.
        Many features from my 1.6 ROM are of course in this along with new features.

        BE SURE to check out the mouse wheel ZOOM function to enable google earth etc to zoom!!!!
        Set it by going into settings>accessibility> and turn on mouse zoom!

        1) New "auto hide" status bar! To enable this go into settings>Display and turn it on.
        Now anytime you run an APP it will automatically hide the status bar. Please note, some badly written APPs
        can leave you in a stuck condition that you cannot exit the APP. You will need you keyboard exit key.

        2) While you in settings>display there is another feature to force the settings menu icon in the status bar.
        It is 3 dots vertically. Now anytime you in a APP that has a settings capability, if you click that you get settings!

        3) Lock screen is back friends! Now is settings>security you can
        A) Disable the lock screen completely (default is slide)
        b) Setup a pattern for lock screen
        c) Setup a PIN for lock screen
        d) Setup a password for lock screen

        4) Sleep is back like a tablet!!!! Go into settings>display and you can turn on sleep!
        Now understand how this works
        a) If there is no wifi or ethernet connection the MK808 when it goes to sleep will power off.
        b) If there is a connection, it will simple go into low power mode and turn the display off. Moving the mouse turns it back on again

        5) I enabled location services. This is now in the settings menu. Tested and working with all APPs that use it.
        remember to turn off GPS as we have no GPS.

        6) New "grid" style launcher available as a choice of launchers.
        Some people still want the Alternate launcher that comes with many TV sticks for EZ TV use.
        I took this from the Neo X5 ROM as I liked it better than previous versions. This of course comes with the RK settings as well.
        If you want to remove this just use ES File explorer and delete these files from /system/app
        Now just reboot and all this will be gone.

        7) Gameloft fix. This fixes Gameloft games from crashing to the desktop.
        Many of them do not run and crash to the desktop. This is due to a license check based on the device. Special thanks to Christian Troy for inventing this fix.

        8) Build.prop edit to open up the Google Play store to APPs that normally say "not compatible".
        I am spoofing a Samsung device that will show almost any APP as compatible.
        Your device will show up in google play as NOT a MK808 device! Understand this please.
        I also left the original build.prop in the ROM called build.orig.
        If you want to go back, just use ES FIle Explorer or a root file explorer and rename build.prop to build.old. Then rename build.orig to build.prop.
        Go into settings, apps, all and go into the Google Play app. Clear the cache and data.

        9) Rockchip just released a updated to try and fix HW decoding issues in XBMC.
        I have added this to the ROM but have not fully tested it yet.
        See info here regarding this new library.

        10) As always, full init.d support! If you do not know what that is... ignore it. For geeks that want to use it. It is there!

        11) RK Mirroring is enabled. I have yet to figure it out or how to use it but if we ever do, its there.
        I think we need a client on our tablets to use it. Hopefully more info will come from WiMo about this.

        12) Remote Control using RK Remote APP is now fully supported!
        In the ROM kit is a RKRemoteControl.apk.
        You install this on your phone or tablet and now it can remotely control your TV player!
        Just put the APK on sdcard or something and install it on your Android phone, tablet, etc.
        ENJOY this one! I had a HARD TIME getting it to work!

        13) I added a reboot APP that will allow optional reboot options like reboot to bootloader (flash mode).

        14) As always I added the Xbox XPAD.KO module is now injected on boot. This was by request! Enjoy!

        15) I added Xbox360 keylayout to fix some games and camera spin with xbox 360 controller. Per this post here:

        16) TUN.ko module is also added by request. (CIFS and MD4 are already in the latest kernel).
        Be aware if you use another kernel other than whats in this ROM, you may have to manually insmod CIFS and MD4.
        The files are in /system/lib/modules

        For more information ALWAYS read the README in the ROM kit!


        Here are the links for 1.7 ROM

        Please make sure you use the correct ROM for your hardware version!

        MK808 Original (not for clones or B model) UPDATED to 1.7c as of March 15, 2013

        ROM -> MK808 Original Finless 1.7c ROM (240 megs)

        MK808B Original model:

        ROM -> MK808B Original Finless 1.7 ROM (240 megs)

        MK808B Sunvel Clone

        ROM -> MK808B Sunvel Clone Finless 1.7 ROM (240 megs)

        MK808B V1 Clone

        ROM -> MK808B V1l Clone Finless 1.7 ROM (240 megs)

        Hi people! I'm Brazilian and I acquired a MK809II. I want to know if any ROM of these works with my MK809II. I'm furious with it , because my movies (720p and 1080p) are showing lags.
        I already try update but my MK809II don't appear in my PC. Can someone help me, please.

        Thanks to all.
        Regards from Brazil.


          Compatibility list

          Surfing on the web I found this post:

          Internal Wi-Fi Chipset of TV Sticks:
          (Cortex-A9) RK3066 Rockchips

          Uhost U2 - RK903 (BCM40183 - Broadcom 4330 Based Chipset) (Bluetooth v3.0)
          MK808B - RK903 (BCM40183 - Broadcom 4330 Based Chipset) (Bluetooth v3.0)
          MK808 - RK901 (BCM40181 - Broadcom 4329 Based Chipset)
          MK806 - RK901 (BCM40181 - Broadcom 4329 Based Chipset)
          iMito MX1/MX2 - Mediatek MT5931 (Bluetooth v2.1: Mediatek MT6622)
          UG007 - Mediatek MT5931 (Bluetooth v2.1: Mediatek MT6622)
          UG802 - Realtek RTL8188EUSMinix Neo G4 - Realtek RTL8188EUS
          Rikomagic MK802 III - Realtek RTL8188EUS
          Rikomagic MK802 IIIS with Bluetooth - Mediatek MT5931 (Bluetooth v2.1: Mediatek MT6622)

          (Cortex-A8) A10 Allwinner
          Uhost U1A / MK802 / Rikomagic MK802 II - Realtek RTL8188CUS

          (Cortex-A5) TCC8925 Telechips
          CX-01 - Realtek RTL8189ES

          Internal Wi-Fi Chipset of TV Box:

          (Cortex-A9) RK3066 Rockchips
          Minix Neo X5 - RK903 (BCM40183 - Broadcom 4330 Based Chipset) (Bluetooth v3.0)

          Order of best Wi-Fi Chipset:Realtek (Best, Hotspot, signal 150Mbps) > Mediatek (signal 65Mbps) > RK901 or RK903 (signal 65Mbps)

          With that information you could assume that in order for X Rom to be completely compatible with Y Stick, the processor chip (obviously) and the wireless chipset must match.
          So correct me if I'm wrong, here is a compatibility list in groups.

          Cortex-A9 RK3066 processor:

          Group 1:
          -UG802: Realtek RTL8188EUS
          -Minix Neo G4: Realtek RTL8188EUS
          -Rikomagic MK802 III: Realtek RTL8188EUS

          Group 2:
          -UG007: Mediatek MT5931 (Bluetooth v2.1: Mediatek MT6622)
          -Rikomagic MK802 IIIS: Mediatek MT5931 (Bluetooth v2.1: Mediatek MT6622)
          -iMito MX1/MX2: Mediatek MT5931 (Bluetooth v2.1: Mediatek MT6622)
          -MK808B Clone v1:
          Mediatek MT5931 (Bluetooth v2.1: Mediatek MT6622)
          -MK808B Clone v2: Mediatek MT5931 (Bluetooth v2.1: Mediatek MT6622)

          Group 3:
          -MK808: RK901 (BCM40181 - Broadcom 4329 Based Chipset)
          -MK806: RK901 (BCM40181 - Broadcom 4329 Based Chipset)

          Group 4:
          -Uhost U2: RK903 (BCM40183 - Broadcom 4330 Based Chipset) (Bluetooth v3.0)
          -MK808B Original: RK903 (BCM40183 - Broadcom 4330 Based Chipset) (Bluetooth v3.0)

          Cortex-A8 A10 Allwinner processor:

          -Uhost U1A: Realtek RTL8188CUS
          Realtek RTL8188CUS
          -Rikomagic MK802II:
          Realtek RTL8188CUS

          I Hope this information is useful.
          Last edited by TxaEkis; 08 April 2013, 17:43. Reason: more sticks added


            firmware finless u2c 1,7

            i have a u2c and a rikomagic 802 iii and they both doing very well with finless 1,7 for measy u2c antuta score 9240 for both devices at 720p kernel and 7250 with 1080 kernel wifi is 135 mbs and stabil


              Great list there TxaEkis!
              Tablets: Asus Transformer pad tf300t | pipo smart s1
              Phones: Samsung Galaxy S2



                Lists/groups like that REALLY clear things up! Might be a good idea to put that in the OP since people who read the topic are exactly looking for that information.
                - UG007-II with Finless iMito MX1/2 1.7a ROM and UG802 2Dark4U 1080p overclock kernel and USB WIFI dongle.
                - MK808 with Finless MK808 1.7c ROM and 2Dark4U 1.4 MK808 1080p overclock kernel.
                - MK908-II: XBMC full 1080p playback with a 1080p kernel HERE


                  Originally posted by tm1982 View Post
                  With this information that comes in you could add it to your firmware treads.

                  for example: "this rom works for: ug802, mk802 III" and so on... then people wont have to ask either. Cus with all these clones mostly a device works with some other device's firmware.
                  I agree. This would clear some of the confusion. When it comes to the MK808B there are so many versions that you would have to pretty much identify the internal hardware to determine which rom would or wouldn't work.

