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Live TV Streaming

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    Live TV Streaming

    My setup:
    Kodi 14.2 helix
    Amlogic S812 Android TV Box
    Ethernet connection, 250 Mbps Internet

    Streaming from on demand services (like Genesis) works very well.

    Streaming live TV channels (like live channels on Phoenix, AAA, iStream, Navi-x) results in frequent buffering.

    I've tweaked my buffer size, my buffer settings, etc. but it seems that live IPTV type streams are not using that form of buffering. The changes I make only work with respect to on demand stuff.

    I don't understand why I can't let the live channels buffer for a few minutes and have a better watching experience. Maybe it's for legal reasons?

    So is live TV streaming just a crappy thing or can I fix it?

    Thanks for your help.

    Perhaps... [messedup site.. shortens my gmarked link... it seems)


      Yep. I realize you can't buffer into the future, damn you temporal dynamics! I'm not sure if I deserved the face palm...

      What I meant was that if you could PAUSE a live stream for a minute, and allow that minute to buffer, it might allow for a better streaming experience. This would not truly be real time, but just offset by a minute or two for buffering purposes.


        You will always have the problem of catching up with the source, if that makes sense - so although it sounds like a good idea on paper, in practice your dreaming.
        Team UX


          The answer is No, by now this is the live stream, try the P2P TV network like AceStream or SoapCast, I preffer AStream.

