This is a plea for some really fundamental help please. This is all new to me. My box was delivered with lots of stuff pre-installed. but I am unable to get it to work. I give a few examples.
The most useful tool that was included is XBMC. In turn XMBC includes Cloud TV.
Cloud TV has an option for Free channels. the first time I used that I saw lots and lots of channel banners. I tried some. They worked. Now the list no longer appears. Instead I get some hispanic cartoon channel instead of the list. I cannot get rid of it and restore the channel list.
I decided to install Genesis. I did. It looks fine so far as the install is concerned. I used this installation script : and found it reasonably straightforward.
However when I go to my active, enabled Genesis. It comes up with a six row list and no text in any of the rows. They go nowhere.
Now I don't expect detailed help, that would be unreasonable. But can anybody guide me to a good URL for the combo of Android / XBMC please. I have searched (Google) pretty diligently without any luck. Or recommend an idiot's guide to me.