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I don´t need it....did it myself !!!!!
1. Download Beta (and obviously flash it

2. Download Recovery Tool:
3. Flash Recovery
4. Download SuperSU:
5. Copy ZIP onto your cubes storage
6. Reboot to recovery
7. install Downloaded zip
8. Reboot and enjoy a rooted device (titanium backup works + root checker says YEAH!)
I don´t know why it was that easy. As much as I understood it usually takes much more to get real root. But it seems to work. I´ll see if there come up some root problems but I don´t expect them.
ONLY FOR EXPERIENCED USERS! Don´t cry if you fail or kill your device.
Non Experienced users should wait for supersport´s perfectly prepared releases.
You get 100% original stock starting in chinese and all the bloat stuff.
And ahhh....2GB app-partition

15035 Antutu Points
CPU 7703
GPU 3722
RAM 2856
I/O 754
changes: noop + ondemand (my favorites)
15396 points
CPU 7763
GPU 3912
RAM 2873
I/O 848
Wifi improvements? I´ve got it connected at 26mbps up to 36mbps and it doesn´t load anything faster than 950kb/sec. MAX. Mostly 800-900kb/sec. OH NO!
We got a tablet thats faster than a tegra3 but with wifi chip from the year 1950