Just got me a Pipo W3F 32gb dual boot tablet and all seemed to work great yesterday...for a few hours.
Well ..did all windows updates etc , got android working fine .....64gb memory card in side ...and both systems read it ...well windows does but needs formatting for android so was not bother with that as windows would not detect it if i did ...and will be using windows more anyway.
Well after setting it up i did a disk error check on c drive ....windows rebooted and did the scan , said repairing or something like that.
Well ever since then when i reboot it always does the check / repair again .
I have managed to disable this thanks to a youtube video telling me to use a cmd prompt and put in some details ...cannot remember what it was now and also they said to do a chkdisk with dirty ? after it or something like that ....and mine came back as DIRTY !!.
I did a refresh of windows but still the same afterwards.
Is this normal with these ssd type memory on these tablets or is there some other way to check and fix this error ?
Windows ect works fine .
Another issue i have found is with the sd card ...was working fine yesterday , but last night i noticed it was not showing up....but did on android .
Tried different cards , 2 make noise when inserted , the other doesnt ...but still nothing in My Computer.
I have found that if i reboot , all is well again ...if eject card or a usb stick manually then its fine next time put it in....if i use the disconnect usb icon thing in tray ...then it wont work afterwards.
In device manager i notice that when this happens the -DISK DRIVE .....Generic SL64GB card ....dissapears and the STORAGE CONTROLLER....SD storage class controller ...has an error in one of these...there are 2 SD storage class controllers.
The USB port seems to work no problem.
Also there is a recovery partition on the hard drive...5 or so GB ....is this to recovery tablet to factory ...if so how do you do that ?
One last thing ....is it worth doing a complete windows wipe....not a refresh...complete removal of my files etc so back to factory windows. ? will it loose my activation code ?
Any help most appreciated.
p.s sorry about all the questions lol