When I try this with the MK808B+ it just reboots back to normal mode, as if this is not supported? I did some reading and see some things about u-boot but I am still confused and need a few questions answered. I also tried using the pin hole on the device to boot into flash mode but I did not feel any clicking or movement of a micro-switch inside the unit and I did not want to force it or open the new device.
1) Assuming drivers are working OK, is there anyway to put this in bootloader mode from ADB?
2) Is there anyway to interrupt u-boot to reach the command line if the ROM uses u-boot?
3) I am still waiting for my SDCard to arrive and if I then put the customrecoveryimage.img to its root, will it load by itself from SDCard or is that feature only something somebody had added to a custom rom?
Thank for any and all help!