One year ago, I bought a cs918 tv android box. I need to sort out a VPN problem connection but I can't because stock firmware (the one which came with the unit) hadn't tun.ko module installed. I think I need this module activated in order to get any vpn app running.
Trying to sort this problem, I downloaded tun.ko installer from Google PlayStore (the unit is rooted) but, despite that tun.ko is apparently installed, (i'm using all installation methods available), when I open my VPN app (I've tried differents vpn apps), my Q7 CS918 is automatically rebooted.
PCB present is a XT-Q7-V10 and I would like to know if there is a ROM with tun.ko module precompiled. Otherwise, any other solution will be acceptable.
This unit has Bluetooth available so I think its not a K-R42 ???? I'm a bit lost with that.
Back sticky label indicates Model EKB311B - QUAD CORE SMART TV BOX - Factory: ENY Technology CO LTD
Actually, the only reason therefore I need this Android TV Box on, is with VPN purposes.
Thanks a lot for your help!