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Fix for kodi 15.2

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    Fix for kodi 15.2

    Download universal init.d app, turn it on, reboot, then delete everythinng in testinit.d, then put the following:


    Chmod 666 /sys/class/display/mode
    Chmod 666 /dev/amvideo 666 system/system
    Chmod 666 /dev/amstream_mpts 666 system/system
    Chmod 666 /sys/class/video/axis 666 media/system
    Chmod 666 /sys/class/video/screen_mode 666 media/system
    Chmod 666 /sys/class/video/disable_video 666 media/system
    Chmod 666 /sys/class/tsync/pts_pcrscr 666 media/system
    Chmod 666 /sys/class/audiodsp/digital_raw 666 system/system
    Chmod 666 /sys/class/ppmgr/ppmgr_3d_mode 666 root/root

    This will then run on every boot.

    I was having problems with laggy 1080p on mxiii on kodi 15.2 from the playstore. This solved all problems.

    Note: this was on 115k4 for MXIII (s802). But should work on all amlogic devices.
    Last edited by Dandroid534; 19 September 2015, 08:55.

    The above didn't work for me. Have no idea why, but I used the below script and it worked. Now shows "dc:am-...". After trying for an hour to get the above to work I found the below script and at the same time changed the file name to kodifix, rebooted and it worked. So not sure if it was beacuase of the script or renaming the folder, anyways I'm all sorted now.


    chmod 666 /sys/class/display/mode
    chmod 666 /dev/amvideo
    chmod 666 /dev/amstream*
    chmod 666 /sys/class/video/axis
    chmod 666 /sys/class/video/screen_mode
    chmod 666 /sys/class/video/disable_video
    chmod 666 /sys/class/tsync/pts_pcrscr
    chmod 666 /sys/class/audiodsp/digital_raw
    chmod 666 /sys/class/ppmgr/ppmgr_3d_mode
    chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
    chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
    chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor


      Which box did you have and which firmware? Kodi developers blame the firmware for not giving the correct permission. Something to do with changes to the amlogic SDK. Apparently MINIX firmware is ok. The Oman version of kodi asks for root to get these extra permissions.

      My box is a Tronsmart MXIII running 115k4


        Originally posted by Dandroid534 View Post
        Which box did you have and which firmware? Kodi developers blame the firmware for not giving the correct permission. Something to do with changes to the amlogic SDK. Apparently MINIX firmware is ok. The Oman version of kodi asks for root to get these extra permissions.
        My box is a Tronsmart MXIII Plus running 115k4 rooted. Yeah not sure why the script you posted didn't take and the one I found did. Anyways running fine now, thanks for the initial Fix.


          Originally posted by cadurling View Post
          The above didn't work for me. Have no idea why, but I used the below script and it worked. Now shows "dc:am-...". After trying for an hour to get the above to work I found the below script and at the same time changed the file name to kodifix, rebooted and it worked. So not sure if it was beacuase of the script or renaming the folder, anyways I'm all sorted now.


          chmod 666 /sys/class/display/mode
          chmod 666 /dev/amvideo
          chmod 666 /dev/amstream*
          chmod 666 /sys/class/video/axis
          chmod 666 /sys/class/video/screen_mode
          chmod 666 /sys/class/video/disable_video
          chmod 666 /sys/class/tsync/pts_pcrscr
          chmod 666 /sys/class/audiodsp/digital_raw
          chmod 666 /sys/class/ppmgr/ppmgr_3d_mode
          chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
          chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
          chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

          I am trying to apply this fix but no luck. Well some because it works for the first time i play a movie shows "dc:am" but then reverts to "ff-".

          Could you explain better the steps.
          I installed the app then i open and have: "manage your init.d scripts: no/scripts/found/testinitd

          What should i delete and how to change file name .

          Again using the script on the file that says "testinid" worked for 1 movie but after reverts.


            Sure thing
            Note: I'm not sure if this matters, but I thought I should mention it. I had read that busy box was needed to load scripts properly, so I also installed busybox before trying the below method. Really though I'm not sure if it did anything for my successful install.

            1) install the Universal Init.d app, from the Playstore.
            2) Turn it on, reboot and open the app up again. At the bottom in green lettering it should say "Your Kernal Has init.d Support.
            3) I deleted all the the scripts under "Manage your init.d scripts:" leaving just 99SuperSUDaemon and the testinit.d.
            4) Click on testinit.d and click edit in the top right corner. Delete all the stuff in there (you might have to scroll down to see all the text, make sure there is nothing in there) and copy the above script in there and save.
            5) Hit Execute in the top right hand corner, and close the app.
            6) Use a file explorer, I use esfileexplorer, and navigate to Device/etc/init.d here you can rename the testinit.d file.
            7) Now go back to Universal Init.d app and execute the file you just renamed. Reboot and it should now automatically load on startup.
            8) Test kodi to see if it worked.

            Note: Also for some reason another file was automatically created in Universal Init.d named "kodi". Not sure how that happened, but all is working.


              I have successfully run my original script on a mxq as well using same method. I've also updated my kodi to 16.0 and it still works


                Thanks a lot. At last my MXIII-G works with Kodi 15 as it should.


                  how do you know if the scrips are running were can i check


                    Originally posted by clayton319 View Post
                    how do you know if the scrips are running were can i check
                    Off the top of my head I think you press "o" when a movie is playing look for "dc:am-.." this means it is using the hardware accelerated feature. If it shows "dc:ff" this means it's using hardware acceleration.


                      it says that my kernel does not support init.d . I have a mxIII-g with latest L6 firmware from tronsmart. Is there a way to bypass that?


                        I've seen some stutter on my Beelink MXIII Plus, running Android 4.4.2 on RemiX 115K4 (great ROM). I've assumed that the problem is because this has proven to be a crap box for me.
                        I just bought and received a generic Gearbest MXIII-G running Android 5.1.1Build 103.1. I see that the current firmware is at 106L1 and I probably need to update.
                        Is this script intended for KODI 15.2 running on either KitKat or Lollipop?
                        Appreciate any help you can provide for this question.
                        I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.
                        Ron White


                          Originally posted by Doggyofone View Post
                          I've seen some stutter on my Beelink MXIII Plus, running Android 4.4.2 on RemiX 115K4 (great ROM). I've assumed that the problem is because this has proven to be a crap box for me.
                          I just bought and received a generic Gearbest MXIII-G running Android 5.1.1Build 103.1. I see that the current firmware is at 106L1 and I probably need to update.
                          Is this script intended for KODI 15.2 running on either KitKat or Lollipop?
                          Appreciate any help you can provide for this question.

                          Try the Tronsmart 316k4 Kitkat Build... worked fine for me with or without script

                          Tronsmart is a leading brand innovating cutting-edge audio products such as speakers & headphones with premium sound quality.

                          If you fancy lollipop they have a newer version on the product website 106L1

                 not a fan of lollipop personally

                          I hope the info above helps


                            Here is my experience with an MXIIIPlus box from Gearbest, received last week. My goal is to have NextPVR running as smoothly as my Minix-7, Zotac, Pipo X7 and Windows 10 Machines.

                            So far I on the MXIII I have implemented, 106L1, various version of Kodi (Isengard 15.2/SPMC 14.2 & 15.0), tried several scripts versions in the Universal init.d app. I even Installed OpenELEC 6.0 for a test, the same problem existed, even worse. The NexTPVR channels are buffering constantly. Netflix also buffers pretty bad, but not like the NextPVR channnels, they are unwatchable.

                            The MXIII-Plus box just seems to be inferior to my other devices.

                            Think I will next try a KitKat Build from above and see if this works any better.



                              Thanks AlexJ. The box auto updated to 106L1 yesterday. Haven't noticed any problems with it, so still in the test phase. I agree with your assessment of Lollipop. I may give the Tronsmart rom a try. Can you confirm that it supports the wifi/broadband chipset on the MXIII-G? One of my favorite add-ons, Pulsar, is incompatible with Lollipop.
                              Thanks for the links.
                              CWG060, have you tried running Netflix sideloaded onto the box rather than through Kodi? It runs great that way for me. With regards to stutter, I haven't really seen it yet on the MXIII-G yet. From what I've read the stutter is a problem when watching 1080P. If you dial Kodi back to 720P the playback may be better.
                              FYI, I have been running and testing Kodi on a bunch of devices; Beelink MXIII Plus - works OK. I have had to run audio through SPDIF vs HDMI, as the HDMI skipped. I'm running RemiX 115K4 on this device and really like the Rom - both WIFI and Broadband work fine. Beelink S82 Plus - DOA and returned - still hasn't been received by Beelink and I don't expect it to ever show up as a credit. My last purchase from Gearbest. Raspberry Pi2 running OSMC/Kodi - this box seems to work great. The only downside so far is that I can't run a VPN on it. MXIII-G so far good. I haven't seen any buffering or stutter yet, but haven't tried any 1080P.
                              Have you done any troubleshooting on the buffering? I found some tutorials on the web that resolved it for me. I also run Kodi off of 2 Windows 10 devices - PC and Laptop. Pretty much flawless on those.
                              I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party.
                              Ron White

