Wondering if there is a TV box out there that supports 4k.
I have tried several boxes advertised as 4k, and they do in a sense but not. IE they do play 4K files, and can send them in full res to the TV. But everything else on the box runs at 720. Be it netflix, youtube, amazon... can never get anything above 720. And all of these boxes according to CPUz either have 720 or 1080 displays. None of them ever report as 4k, even though the TV says its getting a 4K signal.
And I am assuming that this is where the problem is coming from. Since all of the android apps limit max res to the device max res, it makes sense that I can only select 720 videos on YT if the device is reporting that it has a 720 screen.
So, my question is, is there a device out there that supports 4K? Apart from Nvidia shield....
I know its not an android problem, I have a G3, and it runs and plays everything at 1440 with no problems, running 4.4. It can also play 4k and put out 2160 over hdmi with no problems so..... the new Z5 has a 2160 display.....
so why can I not find an android TV box capable of running at 2160?
Suggestions please...