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This is How TV sticks and Tablets are made

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    This is How TV sticks and Tablets are made

    MK802 Android 4.0

    A13 Tablet

    Not sure what to say..?

    And you wonder why they are so cheap from China?

    Now you know.....

    US and EU would never allow working conditions like that, that expose people to materials that are known to cause cancer, respiratory issues, etc.

    So next time you buy a China product, know someone will not live a full life!

    The bad part about this is they think they are all OK with this and are not worried about it..... They are "In Business" and that is all that matters.. Employee's are making work and money!

    At least the Tablet video is a little more "commercial" with somewhat of a clean room. But we do not get to see how all the plastic, and other parts are made! Good chance it's the same environment and process.

    You know what cracks me up?
    Not one of them handling circuit boards are wearing ESD devices....
    Probably why that one chick has a crap load of dead boards next to her. They produce so many boards so cheap, they do not care about failed PCBs. Amazing... You do realize how much compressed air causes ESD right? Unless it is incredibly humid!

    Sooooo many people willing to work and have a job! It's hard for the rest of the world to compete with a labor situation like that.

    BUT just like Japan after WWII.... I trust this will change one day. In fact I know it will as people desire and want more in life. China is just like Japan was 50 years ago. Just like USA was 100 years ago. It will all come around in a circle.

    Then one day... We may have Star Trek or some common goal instead of cheap people labor!
    I am Dreaming I guess

    Last edited by Finless; 20 May 2013, 00:32.
    "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
    "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
    "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
    "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
    "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
    "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
    "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
    "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
    "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


      I feel sorry for the workers too not one smile.Only from the two Bosses.
      But even the people who make Iphone's don't fair any better.Money Money Money

      Inside the Factory


        I expect it too Bob, The Earth Federation, where everyone (dont matter where they was born) live with same rights and in good conditions. That is far now, but if more people likes this idea it will be possible one day
        My devices:
        Minix Neo X7; Minix Neo X8-H , Minix Neo Z64W & Z64 (Sponsored by Minix)
        MK902 & MK902II(Sponsored by RKM)
        Beelink M8B & Beelink R89 (Sponsored by Beelink)
        Tronsmart VEGA S89H (Sponsored by
        MELE-PCG03 (Sponsored by Discount Coupon:MPCG03
        Ainol Intel Z3735 MiniPC(Sponsored by
        Thanks to them I can try to support your devices


          Whilst at present we in the US and Europe etc would not allow people to work in such conditions, what you are likely looking at is the future for our once rich nations because in order to compete, we will have to pay less wages and relax health and safety Laws somewhat.

          The only answer to the growing problem is for us not to buy from China but that is unlikely to happen because we all like a bargain and in times of recession, the need and desire will just increase and short of a people's revolution over there, they are not going to change their ways whilst the people can be ruled with an iron fist.

          Even the large corporations with bases in the US such as Apple and Google are utilising this cheap labour to maximise profits.

          The irony is that following this route is going to completely destroy our own economies to such an extent that China and India will become truly powerful nations and essentially govern us in an indirect way.

          The old perception of the danger that we thought the Russians posed during the cold war will pale into insignificance to what we are going to thinking in just a few years time.

          The irony will be that the perceived threat will not be of any military form but simple Capitalism, which the West has enjoyed the fruits of to control World economy for centuries.

          A case of our own lust for power, control and greed coming back to bite us on the derriere and usher in the next generation of global dynasty.

          The Greeks, Persians, Romans, Ottomans, British, American and next the Chinese empire.

          The wheel certainly does turn and we have had a good run whilst it lasted.
          R-TV BOX S10, Beebox N3150, Chuwi Hibox, Nvidia Shield, A95X Max


            Originally posted by leolas View Post
            I expect it too Bob, The Earth Federation, where everyone (dont matter where they was born) live with same rights and in good conditions. That is far now, but if more people likes this idea it will be possible one day
            Humm, Human rights have to be promoted and respected but an international unilateral oneway system corruption is not needed....

            we gonna fight for our rights to party....


              Re: This is How TV sticks and Tablets are made

              Originally posted by malfrat View Post
              Humm, Human rights have to be promoted and respected but an international unilateral oneway system corruption is not needed....

              we gonna fight for our rights to party....
              Why must be unilateral? A global democracy can be a dream, but it is not a bad idea.
              My devices:
              Minix Neo X7; Minix Neo X8-H , Minix Neo Z64W & Z64 (Sponsored by Minix)
              MK902 & MK902II(Sponsored by RKM)
              Beelink M8B & Beelink R89 (Sponsored by Beelink)
              Tronsmart VEGA S89H (Sponsored by
              MELE-PCG03 (Sponsored by Discount Coupon:MPCG03
              Ainol Intel Z3735 MiniPC(Sponsored by
              Thanks to them I can try to support your devices

