Anyway, it has 106L1 fw but the display is slightly jittery when set to 4k/2k 30hz...seems a bit more stable at 1080P but that defeats the purpose of having a 4k I saw there were some issues with hardware accelleration in previous fw and given the number of pixels being thrown around I guess that could be the cause of the jittery display...its just noticeable but given the old Orion Meta had no problems I'd like to get this sorted. It does play 4k vids including the Blender foundations demos very well..the Orion Meta wouldn't play those at all..... so anyone noticed this problem?
Oh... the display issue isn't tied to Kodi, it is noticeable in the Android home screen.
edit...Just in case anyone here is actually interested or come across similar behaviour. I went back to the box after a couple of hours and it had reconnected to the TV. The problem is as I sort of suspected the Amlogic hardware acceleration within Kodi, although that does not completely explain the slight shakiness of the display I originally reported even without Kodi running, but that too seems to have stabilised, maybe the chipset is now burnt in or something. So with the latest 106L1 fw and the latest 'stable' 15.2 release of Kodi the Amlogic hardware acceleration algorithm is dodgy.