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Root Sanei N10 A31 Quad Core

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    Root Sanei N10 A31 Quad Core

    If I wasn't bald before I started searching to find a way to root my root Sanei N10, I would be now.

    Apparently this root method should be compatible with numerous Allwinner A31 chipsets but I can only speak for my own.

    Sanei N10 A31 Quad Core
    Model: SHE N10-4C
    Android: Stock 4.1.1


    I'm going to start by assuming you are smart enough to use your tablet and not your computer.


    Download: from here (partway down the page)

    Once downloaded go to Settings: Backup and reset: SYSTEM UPGRADE - select Recovery Mode and reboot into recovery

    In recovery, select - apply update from external storage

    Navigate to the Download Folder and select

    After 10-15 seconds it should say "Install from sdcard complete"

    - reboot system now


    You should now have root access, download Root Checker to confirm.

    Hopefully all of my searching and hair pulling will allow someone else to keep their sanity.
    Last edited by fullygeneric001; 25 May 2013, 10:15.

    Many tanks for your post !
    It works, very usefull for me !

    Again, tanks !!


      Originally posted by ben860 View Post
      Many tanks for your post !
      It works, very usefull for me !

      Again, tanks !!

      Your welcome, glad I could help.


        thank u

        i hate registering its stupit and useles and i only register to say : thank u

        thank u m8 after a long search it finaly worked thank u thank u


          Hello from Russia! Thank you so much for the article .. I helped.

          Show you how to update the software my tab?/ I have 1.35 version


            Happy to help.

            Sorry Vt007, If something I'm looking to do, is extremely difficult to find a solution for, I share my simplified findings. Since I don't own a Tab, I have no answer for you.

            The Tab is a mainstream product so there should be info everywhere for it. If you are just looking to to do a stock firmware update then all you should need to do is install Samsung Kies and then take a look around and you should find a firmware update option.


              Originally posted by fullygeneric001 View Post
              Happy to help.

              Sorry Vt007, If something I'm looking to do, is extremely difficult to find a solution for, I share my simplified findings. Since I don't own a Tab, I have no answer for you.

              The Tab is a mainstream product so there should be info everywhere for it. If you are just looking to to do a stock firmware update then all you should need to do is install Samsung Kies and then take a look around and you should find a firmware update option.


                This worked on my SVP TCP1040 Tablet.
                Out of the box, some Root Checkers said I had Root, others said No Root.
                Tried installing BusyBox - failed.
                Loaded this file as described and now have Root.

