I know that Freaktab is the best forum I used to discuss when I bought PIPO tabs. I believe we have greatest team of Android experts who helps members around. I know Bob and Randy have been doing an amazing contribution.
Now coming to my request. I bought a MeegoPad T01 recently and want to use Android only on this device. I know we can use Windows but I'm more of an Android fan.
I got in touch with Meegopad team and they sent me this link: http://yun.baidu.com/share/home?uk=1...category/type=
I searched and found that the STOCK ROM for Anzhen4 (4.4.4) is located on this link which is located on same share:
I was able to download and install this ROM on MeegoPad and by tweaking partition.tbl I was able to use all space available for Android.
Something which I was unable to do is to root this Android. I tried Kingoroot, Towelroot, temp method of rooting by Intel, etc.. Since it does not have a recovery environment so I could not flash the Supersu.zip file.
I tried opening the system.img and boot.img to pre-root the system but somehow Supersu never finds the SU binary.
Can anyone be kind enough to suggest or maybe pre-root this ROM??