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Instruction to enable amlogic hardware decoder - work great on Kodi 16 beta4

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    Instruction to enable amlogic hardware decoder - work great on Kodi 16 beta4

    All credits due to the member Cadurling, Dandroid354 and others contribute to the original thread
    Original discussion is here
    I confirm that it works with the Mini MX running Kodi 16 beta4.

    Universal init. d script

    chmod 666 /sys/class/display/mode
    chmod 666 /dev/amvideo
    chmod 666 /dev/amstream*
    chmod 666 /sys/class/video/axis
    chmod 666 /sys/class/video/screen_mode
    chmod 666 /sys/class/video/disable_video
    chmod 666 /sys/class/tsync/pts_pcrscr
    chmod 666 /sys/class/audiodsp/digital_raw
    chmod 666 /sys/class/ppmgr/ppmgr_3d_mode
    chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
    chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
    chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

    Step to set up

    1) install the Universal Init.d app, from the Playstore.
    2) Turn it on, reboot and open the app up again. At the bottom in green lettering it should say "Your Kernal Has init.d Support.
    3) I deleted all the the scripts under "Manage your init.d scripts:" leaving just 99SuperSUDaemon and the testinit.d.
    4) Click on testinit.d and click edit in the top right corner. Delete all the stuff in there (you might have to scroll down to see all the text, make sure there is nothing in there) and copy the above script in there and save.
    5) Hit Execute in the top right hand corner, and close the app.
    6) Use a file explorer, I use esfileexplorer, and navigate to Device/etc/init.d here you can rename the testinit.d file.
    7) Now go back to Universal Init.d app and exec ute the file you just renamed. Reboot and it should now automatically load on startup.
    8) Test kodi to see if it worked.

    I did a little different at step 3 and 4
    Step 3: Pick one of the existing script, and delete others.
    Step 4: Click on the script (the only one left after deleting the other )...edit (copy and paste the script above)

    If you do every thing right, you will notice the huge different in video quality. When playing file in Kodi, hit enter to bring up the on-screen display, move over to movie reel icon on the right, click on it to bring up the video setting. If you don't see the Deinterlace option, then you know the hardware decoder is in used.
    Have fun

    it enable the fps auto switch, and hd audio passtrough too?

    ...Tried, Sadly no
    I think this script not perfect, because i check the files what this script modified with root explorer, and:
    no /dev/amvideo instead /dev/01:00 amvideo
    no /dev/amstream* instead : /dev/01:00 amstream*

    no sys/class/ppmgr/ppmgr_3d_mode instead ??? ppmgr ???

    Last edited by envagyok; 27 December 2015, 12:24.


      Originally posted by envagyok View Post
      it enable the fps auto switch, and hd audio passtrough too?
      I dont have the answer for your questions since I set the hdmi out fix at 1080/60.
      I don't use the digital audio output either.

