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How can I be sure I'm not buying a clone?

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    How can I be sure I'm not buying a clone?

    Hi folks,

    Not been on here for years, but now looking to buy a new TV box.

    Quite fancy one with this RK3368 chip. There seems to be quite a few on Amazon, how can I be sure I'm not buying a clone?

    Would like to buy from UK if possible. Anyone got any links or recomendations to genuine products, please?

    Thanks for any info.


    This Z4 RK3368 Android TV box comes with a 30 days money back and 1 year warranty:


      Thanks for the reply Roland.

      I've not heard of Pinwheel before, are they OK?

      There are so many of these boxes, it's difficult to know which are good.


        I think any one confident enough to give 30 days money-back and a year warranty should be fine One of the few who expressly give that undertaking.

        I myself have an Andoer Z4 though, works fine mostly. Was most stable in the default firmware, but because of expanded unified storage of 16 gb, been using a newer rom. Few random reboots in this ( gives me a break, anyhow ). Hopefully will be sorted out in future updates.


          Most things you buy on Amazon can be returned within 30 days, to be fair. Not sure that's a good indication of a quality product.


            Hello, Some of your questions might be answered here.
            Good day.


              The main issue is the 1 year warranty, meaning the brand is willing to support this Z4 RK3368 TV box for at least that period. Other brands dont seem to categorically assure this.

              Mind you single/double os rom updates for this device tree are being issued regularly, which is most important for new features as well ironing out bugs.

